Emilys POV.

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I heard quick footsteps before I felt a weight on my back.

"Mia!" I yelled, pretending to be angry.

"So how was it?" She jumped off my back and we walked into school together.

"Why weren't you on the bus?" I asked, ignoring her question. "I was a loner."

"I walked to school with Josh." She said smiling. "He apologised and we're fine. He said it was a huge mistake."

"Mia, he's an asshole, I don't want you to get hurt." I tried to say.

"I'm fine Em. Anyway, even if you won't tell me what your date was like, Ashton wants to talk to you. Something private apparently." She winked and ran off to find Michael. I walked straight to the music room, knowing where to find Ashton.

As I walked in I heard an angry whisper. I didn't want to be nosy, but it was too hard to ignore. It was Ashton.

"Idiot. He's perfect you can't compete with him." He whispered quickly. I heard him hit his head against the wall and he stopped talking. I took that as an opportunity to walk in.

"Ash!" I spoke cheerily, with high hopes to make him forget about his problem.

"Em. Hi." He said looking flustered.

"Mia said you were looking for me..."

"Oh yes, nevermind. Um it was for another dare. But it's stupid. So nevermind." He chuckled and went back to his normal self, finally calming down.

"Are you okay Ashton? Because you know you can tell me anything." I said, hoping to help him.

"Fine, thanks." He smiled back at me. The bell rang. "Better get to English, see you later." He rushed out of the room.

What was with him?


The next time I saw Ashton was afterschool. At lunchtime Luke and I had met up and sat together. We had no classes together today either.

"Hey Em." He said, back to his normal self. I grinned at him.

"So you were fine before?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just overreacting." He replied.

"To what?" I said, walking past the bus stop. I would just walk home with him.

"Truthfully, you and Luke."

I was surprised. He was the one that dared me to kiss him in the first place. He looked uncomfortable. Did Ashton like me? I guess if he did I would like him back.

"Because, you know, I don't want you to get hurt." He mumbled quickly.

"Oh. Thanks." I plastered a fake smile on my face. Ouch, that hurt a lot more than I thought it would. Why did that even hurt? I should be glad. No complications.

We both looked at each other, locking our eyes for longer than normal. It felt right. And I think I fell a little for Ashton and that very moment. His hand lightly stroked my arm and we both moved slightly closer, like there was an energy, pulling us.

"Emily, Ashton, wait up!" A familiar voice yelled from behind and shattered the moment. I shook my head and turned to see Luke running towards us. The boy that I had a crush on, right.

"Hey." I said as we had a quick hug.

"Hey mate." Luke said to Ashton. Ashton looked frustrated and also shook his head before forcing a smile.

"Luke." He said before we all walked on, with little conversation.

As we neared my house Luke went the other way, but not before pecking me on the lips. Ash, again looked uncomfortable. I felt weird. I liked Luke right? But then when I thought me and Ashton were gonna kiss..

"Can I come in?" He asked, snapping me out of it. I was confused. He never asked me, always just did it.

"Uh, sure." I replied as we let ourselves in. My dad was still at work.

Ashton lay down on my bed as we walked into my room and pulled out his phone, probably to tell his mum he was he. His mum worried quite a lot and was very protective.

"Got me another dare yet?" I asked cheekily.

"Nope, but just you wait." He said slowly.

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