Emilys POV.

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I sat there, crying my eyes out, trying to cover my exposed chest. Ashton walked over to the bed and sat on it. He handed me my bra and my shirt. I put them on with shaking hands as he looked for my skirt. He grabbed it and handed them over.

I just stared at it. I had stopped crying, but I was shaking violently. He came onto the bed, beside me and wrapped his arms around me and at first I tensed up. He pulled away looking guilty.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked, knowing the answer.

I shook my head, refusing to let anymore tears fall, then wrapped my arms back around him. He instantly hugged me back.

"I'm going to murder him, I swear to god." Ashton said darkly. "He's disgusting."

"He was drunk." I whimpered, not wanting to sound like I was defending him.

"It doesn't mean he can do that!" He yelled into my ear. I pulled away to dry my eyes and wipe away the running mascara. The door opened again and we both turned our heads.

"Em? Ash? What's going on?" He looked at me, without my skirt on, make up running. Then he looked at Ashton, make up all over his shirt and neck, sitting really close. And he put two and two together. Just the wrong two and two.

"Luke!" I screamed as he yanked Ashton up by his collar.

"I thought we were friends." He hissed in his face. "Why would you sleep with her?"

Ashton finally understood.

"No! No, I didn't I swear mate!" He yelled. Luke brought his knee up between Ashton's legs and Ashton fell to the floor groaning.

"Luke!" I yelled again and grabbed at his shirt. Ashton grabbed Luke's leg and pulled him onto the ground. He climbed on top of him and punched him hard, in the mouth. "Ashton stop!" I tried pulling him off, but Luke rolled him over so he was on top. He smashed his fist into Ashton's nose.

"Stop please!" I cried out. They punched and kicked each other until I had had enough of trying to stop them.

"Okay fine!" I screamed. "Don't let me explain! Don't let me stop you from doing something you will regret! Fuck off both of you!" I stormed out of the room and walked down the stairs, all eyes on me. After all I wasn't wearing my skirt anymore.

"Em wait!" Ashton yelled.

"Emily, come back!" Luke tried.

I ignored them both. I saw Mia standing at the bottom of the stairs, her mouth wide open. "Come on, lets go." I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door. The minute we had turned the corner from the house I burst into tears. I crumbled to the cold ground and Mia wrapped herself around me.

"Shhh, it's okay Em. I'm here." She whispered.

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