Emilys POV.

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I walked out, yelling a goodbye to my dad before shutting the front door behind me. I plugged my headphones into my ears and blasted out my favourite band, Major League. Shaking my hair out of my eyes, I left my driveway.

When I got to the bus stop I had to wait for a few minutes. This was odd as I was hardly ever early for the bus. I hopped on when it came and scanned the seats for Mia. I couldn't see her so I sat near the front and pulled out my phone.

'You here today?' I text her before putting my phone back in my pocket and turning to look out of the window.

When I got to school, I half excepted Mia to be waiting out the front by the big notice board, but Michael sat alone.

"Hey." I said cheerily. He turned around to face me.

"Em, hey." He replied pulling me into a hug. I felt another pair of arms being wrapped around us as a voice yelled "GROUP HUG!"

"Calum!" Michael yelled back, pushing me aside slightly.

"Oh, I see how it is then." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry babe, Michaels mine." Calum chuckled as the bell rang. We all went in different directions to our first class.

The hour was dragging on as I made small talk with a girl called Hannah. She was nice enough, we got along well and sat together in science, but didn't hang out otherwise. We both just had different groups of friends.

"Hey, have you seen the picture of Ashton that's been going round?" She whispered after the teacher had started talking.

"What picture?" I whispered back not wanting to get into trouble.

"The one of him and a girl." She informed me. I felt a little bit uncomfortable. Ashton had been hanging out with a girl? Not that I was jealous, of course he can have other friends that are girls. It's just usually we tell each other everything. And I hadn't heard about this girl.

"Nah, I havent." I replied.

"I'll send it to you." She said grabbing her phone from her pocket.

"Okay." I said, also pulling mine out. I had a new message from Mia, telling me that she was sick and at home today. I quickly text her to tell her I hope she felt better soon. My phone buzzed in my hand. I opened the new message from Hannah and looked at it, shocked.

In the photo there was a girl. She was pressed against a wall, her hands held above her head as she titled her head back and was making out with someone. She was in her bra and a tight black skirt that was short enough to see her thong underneath.

Then there was Ashton. Of course he was the boy in this picture. He held her hands with one of his, as his other arm was snaked around her waist. His tongue was stuck deep down her throat and he trapped her against the wall.

"Oh." Was all I could say. The bell chorused loudly through the school as everyone got up from their seats to leave.

"Later Emily." Hannah smiled at me.

"Bye." I said weakly, standing up and shoving the phone into my bag.

I saw Ashton standing by the door waiting for me.

"Good day ma'am." He said in a posh English accent.

"Hi." Was all I could muster up.

"Something wrong?" He asked, stopping us from walking and standing in front of me. I wondered if from here he could press me against the wall. I shook my head, clearing the image from my brain.

"Not at all." I faked a small smile.

"Okay.." He said unconvinced. We continued walking. He kept talking to me as we neared our usual table. As we sat down Luke saw us and walked towards our table. I smiled for real this time and when he sat I grabbed his hand under the table.

"Hey guys." He said cooly.

"Luuuuuuke." Calum breathed out. "I am your father." He laughed loudly.

"Never heard that one before." I giggled and he smiled at me as my breath caught. His smile was beautiful.

"Ashton, I saw the picture!" Yelled some guy Sam from down the table a little bit. "Respect!"

Ashton quickly glanced at me and let out a nervous laugh. "Pretty drunk I was." I let out a huge sigh I didn't know I had been holding in.

"You okay beautiful?" Luke asked me worryingly. His voice gave me goosebumps as he whispered in my ear.

"Fine." I said confused. I was relieved that Ashton had been drunk, but I liked Luke so much. What was happening?

"I was wondering if.." Michael stopped and quickly looked at me before looking back at Ashton. He nodded his head ever so slightly.

"If what?" I asked.

"Nothing." Calum said looking puzzled.

"Nah really, if what?" I asked more affirmatively.

"Nothing." Michael and Ashton said in unison.

"It seems me and you are the only ones who aren't in on this." Luke mumbled and squeezed my hand tightly.

Ashton shot a look at Michael and he looked down at his feet. The look could have meant anything.

"There's nothing to be in on." Calum laughed. "Unless I don't know either."

"There is something, I can tell. Michaels staring at his feet, he feels awkward. Why should he feel awkward if there's nothing?" I asked firmly.

"Look Emily, just leave it okay?" Ashton raised his voice a little. "It's none of your business."

My face dropped as I also looked at my feet. Ashton didn't get annoyed at me usually. A foot kicked me under the table.

"Ow!" I yelped. "Michael, why did you kick me?" I asked annoyed at him now.

"Shit." He mumbled. He was meaning to kick Ashton.

"So now I'm the only one who doesn't know what this is about?" Luke questioned awkwardly.

Calum grinned at him. "Nah, it's me and you together babe!" He yelled as he stood up, grabbed Luke's other hand and pulled him away from me, skipping. Luke looked back at me laughing.

"Bye guys." He said faintly as they skipped out the cafeteria door.

I was left with Michael and Ashton as we sat in an awkward silence.

"Gotta go." Michael said, scurrying off. Ashton looked at me with an expression I couldn't describe. He then stood up.

"I got a music thing, me and Michael." He mumbled before walking away. I watched him as he put both hands on his head and he grimaced.

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