The Dare Game

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"You go first, dare me to do anything and I will." Ashton told me.


"Anything at all Em."

Ashton was my friend. He was an amazing person and I loved him so much. But only as a friend. We had known each other forever.

"Okay, I dare you to ask the blonde girl over there for her number." I said.

"Oh, that's easy. Be right back."

He walked through the crowds of people at the party as I waited at the bench we had been sitting at. I watched him sit near the pretty blonde and lightly touch her leg. Her face lit up as he talked to her and she quickly pulled out her phone. He smiled at her and slowly walked away smirking at me.

"Too easy, I need a challenge next time." He laughed.

"Seriously Ash, how do you do that? You just flashed her a smile and she literally melted!" I always wondered how he was so good with the girls.

"My good looks." He mumbled as he pulled his phone out. The girl had just text him and he was saving her number.

"Must be it." I said sarcastically.

"Anyway, it's my turn!" He beamed at me. "I'm going to make yours challenging, because that was just boring."

I sighed.

"You can skull these two beers." Ashton pulled two over the bench.

He knows I hate beer. "Okay." I said unsure.

I downed the first one easily and started to feel light headed. I unscrewed the cap off the second and started to chug it down.

Ashton burst out laughing when I finished. "What?" I giggled.

"You're already tipsy, come on we're leaving." Ashton chuckled. "You have a curfew to stick to."

He wrapped his arm around me and lead me through the crowds of people. When we stepped outside the cold air hit me like a brick wall. I shivered violently.

"I dare you to lend me your jacket." I smiled.

"Only for you." Ash shook his jacket off and slung it around my shoulders. "That was a waste of a dare because I'm going to start getting brutal now." He threw his head back in a fit of laughter.

"Seriously, how bad will it get?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Whatever it takes to win."


Ashton lifted the mat and brought the key out from under it. He then passed it to me seeing as it was my house. We let ourselves in and said a quick hello to my dad who was sitting in the living room before getting to my room at the end of the hallway.

"We need rules." Ashton stated. He found a refill and a pencil sitting on my desk next to my unfinished homework.

"Okay, like what?" I questioned him.

"How about, you can dare them whatever you like and they have to do it, no matter how embarrassing."

"I'm up for that." I said, thinking of some ways I could embarrass him. "You have one day to complete the dare before issuing your next one."

"A quick games a good game. If you refuse a dare, you lose."

"I thought that was obvious Ash." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut it." He joked.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, we can't tell anyone. Can't tell anyone it's a dare." He spoke evilly.

"Game on." We both said in nunison as we shook hands.

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