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(Had to change Jadens character because I forgot his @ lol but the new jadens @ is  dejaune

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(Had to change Jadens character because I forgot his @ lol but the new jadens @ is  dejaune.McCoy)
I wake up to the sound of old school r&b being played throughout the house , signaling that my mom of course was up and ready to start her day . Today was thanksgiving and just like every year , our whole family will be coming over to celebrate .

Grabbing my phone off the dresser it read 9:28 am . So , sitting up I did my morning stretch before walking into my bathroom to start the day off right .

Getting out the shower I wrap my towel around my waist before walking over to my sink to brush my teeth and as I was mid brush , My baby calls me .

"Yea mamas ." I say answering her ft call .

"Happy thanksgiving baby ." She smiles .

"Same to you . Ima come to your house around noon ish ." I tell her . Every year for every holiday I always go to serenity's house to spend time with her and her family first before the two of us come back to do the same with mine .

"Alright ." She smiles .

"Ight ima finish getting dressed I'll see you soon baby ."

"Okay , I love you ."she smiles .

"I love you too ." I tell her before disconnecting from the call . That girl is my everything and I know the two of us are young but I see long term with serenity. Jr and Leo make fun of me for it but I'm really in love .

Layla-I wake up to the sound of d'angelo being played throughout the house and instantly knew my mom was cooking

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I wake up to the sound of d'angelo being played throughout the house and instantly knew my mom was cooking . Sitting up I slide on my house shoes before exiting my room and heading downstairs to the kitchen .

"Hey bestie." I smile as I hug her waist and lean my head against her back as she made greens .

"Good morning princess." She says kissing my head before I let her go and sat on the counter .

"Where's dad ?" I ask her as she made her way to the fridge .

"In the guest house . You should go wake him up and tell him it's 9 and the guest will arrive around 2 ." She says causing me to get off the counter and walk to the backyard to get to the guest house .

"Dad , mom wanted me to come wake you ." I say as I entered the guest house and seen my dad laid out on the couch as he hugged a bottle of casamigos .

"Dad!" I shouted causing him to jump up .

"Huh ? What's wrong ? What happened ?" He asks as he looked around .

"Mom wanted me to wake you cause we have guest coming at 2." I say .

"What time is it ?" He asked as he put the bottle on the coffee table before rubbing his head .

"9 ." I say causing him to get up and stretch before walking over to me and kissing my forehead.

"I love you princess ." He says as he held me tight .

"I love you too daddy ." I smile as he hugged him back . I've always been a daddy's girl and sometimes he can be hard on me but I wouldn't trade him for anything.

"Tell your mother I'll be in there shortly ." He says before letting me go .

"Okay." I smile before walking back into the house to relay the message to my mom . Lately , you could tell they weren't seeing eye to eye but that's what happens in marriage sometimes and I know they'll be fine . Their mom and dad they can handle anything thrown at them .

|sorry life has been crazy ! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter🤍|

Teenage Fever • Z.BallWhere stories live. Discover now