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Jada -I wake up to the sound of Lonzo's snores and his hands being wrapped around my body

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I wake up to the sound of Lonzo's snores and his hands being wrapped around my body . It disgusted me because the same hands he touched me with were the same hands that helped conceived another child with his oldest son mother . I still haven't told him about my pregnancy because now .. I'm not even sure I wanna keep the baby .

Quietly getting out of bed , I made my way into the bathroom before brushing my teeth and washing my face . Walking into our closet , I make my way to my side before looking for something to put on and as I bent over to look for a pair of comfortable shorts the urge to throw up quickly came causing me to get up and run to the toilet .

As I continued to throw up what I ate last night , Zo comes in with worry written on his face .

"Baby — don't . I'm fine ." I say cutting him off .

"Are you sure ?" He asks me .

"Yes , can you get out now ?" I ask him .

"Jad—Lonzo get out of the fucking bathroom." I yell at him before getting up and pushing him out and locking the door .

"What's wrong ?" I hear him ask from outside the door .

"Can you leave me alone please ." I say as I brushed my teeth once again .

"Why ?" He asks me .

"Because I don't wanna talk to you right now ." I say before walking back into our closet , getting my clothes and turning on the shower .

Getting out the shower I wrap my towel around my body before putting my hair in a bun , drying off and getting dressed before walking out of our bed room and downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey mom dad just left ." Jaden tells me causing me to shrug my shoulders as I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a strawberry yogurt before heading back upstairs to our bedroom . This baby is definitely gonna give me more trouble then I've ever had during any of my pregnancies.

Zo-Here I was at Walmart buying 4 pregnancy test for jada , because I don't believe she's had her period and honestly if she is with child I'm gonna feel more like shit then I already do for getting Denise pregnant

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Here I was at Walmart buying 4 pregnancy test for jada , because I don't believe she's had her period and honestly if she is with child I'm gonna feel more like shit then I already do for getting Denise pregnant. Heading to self checkout , I scan my things before quickly walking out of the store before anyone reconizged me .

Getting home , I see jr in the livingjust scrolling on his phone .

"Where's your mom ?" I ask him .

"She's upstairs asleep . Don't go bother her . She deserves some type of peace ." He says .

"Look I know your upset but—but what Lonzo ? Your gonna kick me out ? Throw me against a wall again like I'm 13 again ? News flash I'm a grown ass man now ." He says cutting me off .

"You think you a man just because you got a body full of tattoos and play at a d1 school ? That don't make you a man son ." I tell him .

"How would you know ? Your barely one yourself . Your pathetic bro . Can't even keep yourself to your own wife and make sure your family straight but wanna talk about what does and doesn't make someone a man . Fuck out of here !" He says bumping into me as he headed upstairs to his room . Everybody mad at me except Leo ..

Walking into jada and I's bedroom , i see her peacefully sleeping. So , setting the test on her night stand I got in bed with her before wrapping my arms around her body . Ever since she's gotten home she hasn't allowed me to be anywhere near this close to her but right now at this very moment I felt relieved to even have her in my presence . Feeling her body move a little bit she wakes up and pushes my body off of hers .

"How long have you been home ?" She asks me .

"Fifteen minutes or so ." I tell her and she nods .

"Look , are you pregnant ?" I ask her .

"No ." She says .

"Are you sure ?" I ask her causing her to give me a nod .

"Why do I feel like your lieing to me jada ?" I ask her .

"You shouldn't be the one to call anyone out on lieing ." She says before walking out of our bedroom . This is gonna be harder then I thought ..

|thoughts ? Do you think jada is gonna keep the baby ? Thoughts on jr ? Thoughts on Lonzo ? 10 votes and 5 comments for next chapter ❤️


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