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Jada -Here I was cooking for my family while I waited for the boys to get back

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Here I was cooking for my family while I waited for the boys to get back . It was only Layla , Jade and I at the house because zo and the boys had went to an open gym , so it gave me time to talk and spend time with both Layla and her bestfriend .

Drinking red wine as I checked on my green beans , the girls and I were having an open and honest conversation .

"So mom when did you know you were in love with dad ?" Layla asks me and I smile thinking about the time when I actually knew I was in love with Lonzo .

"I knew I was in love with your father when he showed me he was gonna be by my side through the worst times of my life . When I got raped your father damn near put his whole life on hold just for me . Your father is my hero and I believe because of him I'm still alive . No telling what could've happened to me if he didn't show up when he did . You'll know when your in love . Everytime your around that person you get butterflies and your heartbeats faster then usual . Being in love is an amazing thing but also being in love comes with a price and I want you guys to always remember that love will make you do crazy things , you just have to train your mind to be stronger then your heart ." I lectured as I seen that I had their full attention .

"Have you ever been in love with someone other then dad ?" Layla asks .

"Yes and no . I say yes because at the time I thought I was in love and I say no because i know that wasn't true love it was just puppy love that happened to follow me throughout high school and ended badly before I left off to college . So , to answer your question no I've technically never been in love until I met your father ." I tell her as the both of them smiled at me .

"I think I might be in love ." Layla confesses and trust me I figured that out when she started waking up with nothing but a smile on her face .

"With ?" I ask .

"If I tell you , will you promise not to tell dad ." She says .

"I promise ." I tell her meaning exactly what I said .

"His name is Jordan tucker and he's 21 mom . He plays at butler university and  We met on Instagram and ever since we met we've hung out when he's home on break ." She tells me and honestly I was shocked because I never suspected it to be someone that older then her but you can't help who you love but once she tells Zo he's gonna have a cow and 2 chickens .

"I'm glad your telling me this . Am I happy about it ? No . Will I get over it ? Yes . Do I understand? Yes . Will dad ? No . But when you are ready to tell him I will be right beside you supporting you okay ." I tell her and embrace her in a hug . Y'all are probably wondering why I'm so calm at this situation that just approached me but I've learn the more we don't accept something our kids do , the more they'll do it .

 Y'all are probably wondering why I'm so calm at this situation that just approached me but I've learn the more we don't accept something our kids do , the more they'll do it

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"And that's game on y'all ass ." I scream as Gelo , Lebron, B.I, Kuz , and Hart and I finished our run against Jr , Leo , Caden , Jaden , and genesis .

"Man we let y'all have that ." Jr says as he grabs his backpack .

"You a damn lie bro , y'all just suck ." Gelo says as we both laugh and grab our things and head out to the parking lot .

"What y'all finna do ?" Kuz asks us all as we all made our ways to our cars .

"We finna head home cause Jada cooking ." I tell him .

"Mom cooking ? Oh we gotta get home ASAP !" Jaden says jumping in the backseat .

"Well y'all Trynna go out tonight ?" Kuz asks B.I. , Bron , Gelo , and I .

"I'm down ." Jr and Genesis say and we look at the two and laugh .

"Y'all niggas weren't invited ." Gelo says and I laugh .

"Exactly y'all asses need to be studying or something but to answer your question Kuz I'm down I'll text y'all in the group chat though , let me head home to wifey ." I laugh before telling them bye and heading home to Jada and Layla .

Getting home I smell chicken as the boys and I enter from the garage .

"It smells good up in here ." I announce as I see Layla , Jada , and Layla's bestfriend , jade sitting around the bar area laughing .

"Thank you baby ." Jada smiles as I made my way over to her and planted a kiss on her lips .

"What y'all in here talking about ?" I ask grabbing a water from the refrigerator.

"Mind yours ." Layla says as they all laugh .

"You not to young to get yo ass popped ." I tell her .

"You would never ." She says and she was right , I've never hit or disciplined Layla before she'll be daddy's little princess forever in my eyes .

As of right now we were all gathered around the dinner table eating as a family and talking to one another .

"So dad we getting a championship this year or what ?" Jaden asks me and I laugh .

"From the looks of it , I'd say we'd do pretty good this year ." I tell him .

"Nigga said that last year ." Jr says and everyone laughs including Jada .

"Oh that's funny to you ?" I ask her .

"Of course not babe ! You all get off my man , he works hard everyday ." She says planting a kiss on my cheek as the kids continued to laugh .
Getting out of the shower I see Jada in her night gown as she typed on her Mac book , getting in bed I kissed the side of her head before pushing the comforter aside .

"So we need to talk about a little situation." She tells me .

"Okay , what's up ?" I ask her .

"I don't know you tell me ? Your the one hiding shit from me ." She says , shit she caught me .

"Baby look - No why did you change your password to your separate bank account Lonzo ?" She asks me , She definitely caught .

"Alright listen babe I know when I tell you this your gonna — Hey dad are you still planning that Cabo trip for you and mom , oh shit sorry ! I didn't know mom was in here ." Leo says coming in , my boy ..

"Got damn it leo you weren't suppose to say anything." I tell him .

"My bad , I'll go now !" He says before walking out our room and closing the door behind him .

"Surprise ." I tell her .

"Aww baby your really gonna take me to Cabo?" She asks sitting on my lap .

"Yes baby , you deserve it mamas ." I tell her kissing her lips .

Leo definitely a real one ...

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Leo lieing for zo ? Thoughts on that .

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Zoe❤️ |

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