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^Jr's Girlfriend , Solai Marie .

^Jr's Girlfriend , Solai Marie

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Lonzo Anderson Ball Jr.
Here I was in my room playing 2k , waiting on genesis , jp,and Pete to text me back in the group chat .

As I was getting ready to play online , my phone starts to ring .

Would like to FaceTime ...

As I hit the accept button , I see her face pop up on my screen .

"Yes ma'am ?" I answer .

"You were suppose to call me when you landed ." She says .

"I'm sorry bae , I forgot ." I tell her .

"I figured you did ." She says and I pick my phone up and sit it up by my tv so she could watch me play 2k .

"I miss you ." She smiles .

"I miss you too , you get down here yet ?" I ask her and she nods .

She stays in chino , so I planned on going to see her later on .

"Yeah I landed probably like an hour ago ." She tells me .

"Bet . I'll be over later tonight ." I tell her .

"To meet my parents ?" She asks me .

"Too soon ." I tell her .

"How so jr ? We've been dating since what July and it's now November." She says .

This is a topic that always causes an argument between the two of us .

"Solai don't start please ." I tell her .

"I'm not starting anything it's just crazy how you feel as if it's too early to meet my parents but not too early to have sex with me ." She says .

"Have we fucked yet ? No we haven't because I respect you so please shut up with that shit ." I tell her .

"Excuse me , who are you talking to ?" She asks me .

"Your the only one on the phone ." I tell her .

"Yeah you got me fucked up ." She says before hanging up . She'll be alright , she'll call back in about 25 minutes .

As I continued playing 2k , my phone starts to ring again . Told ya ..

"Yes babe ?" I answer without looking who was calling .

"Nigga chill with that gay shit ." I hear genesis say and I laugh .

"Bitch shut up , I thought yo' ass was Solai ." I tell him .

"She hung up on you , didn't she ?" He laughs .

"Yeah she'll get over it though ." I tell him .

"Well I'm on my way to your crib bro ." He tells me .

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