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Jr-"Jr stop

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"Jr stop ." Solai whines as I tried to make my move on her for the second time today , right now we're chilling at my house since my family is gone out to my grandparents for the day .

"Yo' your being a real buzz kill right now ." I tell her as I get off of her and walk to my PlayStation and turn it on before grabbing my controller and sitting on the end of my bed .

"How am I being a buzz kill ?" She asks me .

"How aren't you being a buzz kill ? I'm Trynna show you my love and all your doing is whining ." I tell her as I waited for madden to load .

"No , your Trynna have sex ." She says .

"Okay and what's so bad about me trying to have sex with my girlfriend ?" I ask her .

"I don't wanna have sex right now jr , what don't you understand about that ?" She asks me .

"Why ? We've been together for 5 months , I haven't had sex in 5 months . Why you making it such a big deal everyone does it , are you a virgin or something ?" I ask her .

"No I'm not a virgin , I just know how you use to get down ." She says and I side eye her , what the hell she mean by that .

"The fuck is that suppose to mean ?" I ask her .

"Oh come on don't act all innocent like you weren't out there doing your dirt before the two of us got together . I'm just Trynna be safe because lord knows how many dirty bitches you've messed with ." She says .

"If that's really how you feeling get your  shoes on and I'll meet you in the car ." I tell her pausing my game and grabbing my car keys .

"Are you really upset right now ?" She asks me .

"Let's go Solai !" I say before walking downstairs and outside to my car . She really pissed me off for tonight .

The whole ride to her crib , I didn't say a word to her . I could feel her starring at me a couple of times but other then that we didn't speak .

Pulling into her driveway , I unlock the door before waiting for her to get out .

"So your seriously not gonna talk to me ?" She asks me and I look at her in her eyes before turning up the radio and bobbing my head to the Travis Scott that played throughout my car .

"You know what bye jr , call me when your done being in your feelings ." She says before getting out of my car and slamming the door .

On my way back home I was contemplating on whether or not I should call Beyoncé , She always gave the best head . Making a quick right then a left , I drove to Beyoncé's house before calling her and as her phone rang twice she finally answered .

"What do you want Lonzo ?" She asks .

"Come outside ." I say before hanging up and about a minute later , she stepped outside in some nike athletic shorts and a low crew v-neck .

Rolling down my car window , I looked over her figure .

"What do you want ?" She asks me .

"Get in the car , I wanna talk to you ." I tell her .

"About what ?" She asks me .

"You asking to many questions , just get in the car and let's go for a ride ." I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me before walking over to the passenger side and getting in .

"Seatbelt ." I smirk at her and she does as told .

"Look at you being a good girl for once ." I sarcastically say .

"If your gonna be an ass I can leave ." She says .

"You could but you and I both know you won't , so how about you lose the attitude and relax ." I tell her before I backed out of her driveway and drove back to my house .

" I tell her before I backed out of her driveway and drove back to my house

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"Fuck Ash don't stop !" I moan as she gave me top . I feel guilty about lieing to Tai but my feelings are all over the place and I don't wanna lose neither of them .

As I finally cum in her mouth , she swallows it and walks to her bathroom to brush her teeth .

"We need to talk ." She tells me as she takes a seat on my lap as I scrolled through my phone .

"About?" I ask her before locking my phone and giving her my full attention .

"Us . Look , I'm tired of sneaking around leo , I want us to officially be together . You told me you were gonna break up with her a long time ago ." She says .

"Baby I know but look I need a little more time alright please just give me a little more time to figure shit out ." I tell her .

"What is there to figure out leo ? It's either me or her now choose ." She says and I could see that she was upset with my previous words .

"I don't know , I need time — well since you can't decide now leave me alone until you can ." She says cutting me off .

"Are you serious right now ?" I ask her .

"As a heart attack." Is all she speaks before getting off my lap , handing me my car keys and opening her bedroom door .  I guess I got some real decision making that needs to be done ..

| Thoughts ? Comment and let me know ! Sorry that I haven't been active low key had writers block as well as school !! 10 votes and 5 comments for the next update !


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