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Jada -Here I was at Walmart shopping for thanksgiving dinner with my bestfriend , Jade

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Here I was at Walmart shopping for thanksgiving dinner with my bestfriend , Jade . Thanksgiving was two days away and of course I was hosting it like every other year .

"We got the ham now all we need to do is go get the turkey ." I say as I looked over the grocery list .

Every year lavar ,Lonzo , Melo and Gelo fry the chicken while the women of the family make the ham and of course the sides and desserts .

"Good cause I'm ready to go ." Jade says as we walk through aisle causing me to laugh as I push the basket to our next destination .

Finally checking out , I push the basket out to my Range Rover before Jade and I load the car up before heading back to my house .

"So how has everything been lately ?" She asks me as Bryson tiller played softly on the radio as we were on the freeway .

"The kids are fine ." I tell her acting dumb to what she meant .

"You know what I mean J . How are you and lonzo ?" She asks me and honestly I didn't really wanna talk about his and I's relationship because it wasn't where it needed to be . I still haven't let go of him cheating on me and get Denise pregnant once again but I was starting to not like him even more because the things he put me through was the cause of me losing our unborn child .

"Well he's been sleeping in the guest house for the last month ." I tell her .

"Have you been communicating with him ?" She asks me .

"Honestly , No I haven't . I can't be in the same room with him for longer the 5 minutes without wanting to cry and lately I've been thinking about filing for divorce but I know what it would do to the kids ." I admit to her . I love lonzo so much it hurts but I can't keep allowing him to treat me like shit .

"A divorce would definitely fuck up his relationship with the kids . Especially him and jr's lord knows that he's a jada's boy ." She says causing me to laugh . Even though I didn't give birth to jr I treated him as if he was my first born because Denise's parenting wasn't good not one bit and his respect for her wasn't always the best but I couldn't blame him , he knew what his mothers plan was and he wasn't a fan of it .

As we finally pull into my driveway I seen multiple cars parked assuming that it was lonzo's family and a couple of the kids friends .

Walking through the garage entrance of my house with Jade . I hear music playing throughout the house .

"We're back !" I announce before walking into the kitchen and setting some of the bags that were in my hands on the counter .

"Hey mom ." Leo says greeting me before he walks out through the garage to get some of the groceries that were left in my car with Jaden following behind him .

"Jr !" I yell before I hear his heavy feet running down the stairs.

"Yes ma'am ?" He asks me before giving Jade a hug and doing the same actions towards me .

"Where's lonzo ?" I ask .

"Out in the back with grandpa and uncle G and melo ." He says before walking out and going to help his brothers I'm sure . Walking to the backyard , I seen Lonzo , Melo , and Gelo playing knockout as Lavar and Dmo were watching entertained .

"We're back ." I announce causing all of their heads to snap towards me .

"About time ." Dmo says causing me to laugh a little before they followed behind me as I walked back inside .

Lonzo -Currently I was playing spades with melo , gelo and Dmo , As my wife and their girlfriends were I'm sure helping her as she prepared dinner for tonight in the kitchen

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Currently I was playing spades with melo , gelo and Dmo , As my wife and their girlfriends were I'm sure helping her as she prepared dinner for tonight in the kitchen .

"Gimme that !" I yelled slapping down a joker on the table as I collected yet another one of me and Dmo books . We've been whooping they Ass in spades all day you would think they'd be tired of it .

"That's game ." Dmo says causing melo to roll his eyes .

"Y'all cheated fam ." He says causing me to laugh as I get up from the table to fix myself another drink .

"You really a sour loser ." I tell melo as we all laugh .

"Nah nigga you was cheating ." He says .

"How ? Please tell me how ." I ask him as I took a sip from my glass .

"Cause how the hell you and yo partner get both the damn jokers . That seems a little sus to me ." He says and I just shake my head and laugh .

"Just accept the fact you lost to big bro ." I tell him before taking another sip of the alcoholic beverage that sat smoothly in my cup .

"What you over there downing ?" Gelo asks me getting up from the table .

"Gin and orange juice my boy ." I say getting out the dominoes.

"That bad huh ?" He asks me .

"What you talking about ?" I ask playing dumb to the obvious problem.

"You ain't gotta hide shit with me . I'm your brother ." He says and for some reason I felt the urge to wanna cry . Lately my life has been a mess and it seems the only way I've been able to cope with it is alcohol.

"Yeah Zo what's been going on ?" Dmo asks .

"We ain't been talking ever since she found out about Denise and the baby ." I tell them .

"Have you at least made some type of effort to talk with her ?" Gelo asks .

"Yeah but every time we in a room together alone she can't go more then five minutes without running out and crying ." I confess. It hurt me to know that I broke her that bad but I promise those weren't my intentions . I love jada to death and to know I'm the reason she cries at night eats me alive .

"Well at least y'all still living under the same roof ." Melo says .

"We're not . I've been living in the damn guest house for about a month now ." I tell them .

"Damn that's not good ." Dmo says .

"Tell me about it ." I say before downing my drink . I'm just glad she hasn't tried to file for divorce , she means too much to me .

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