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^Jr's mother and Lonzo's baby mother , Denise Garcia .

Jada Ball -I wake up to a completely quiet house , which isn't often

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Jada Ball
I wake up to a completely quiet house , which isn't often . Sitting up I stretched before looking over and seeing that zo was still peacefully sleeping , deciding to not wake him , I quietly get out of bed before grabbing my pink satin robe and making my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Making me a cup of coffee , I walk into my office grabbing my Mac book before walking into the living room and taking a seat on my couch .

Checking Zo and I's bank accounts , there was something that caught my eye instantly .

"Morning baby ." I hear Zo say behind me before he leaned down and kissed my forehead and made his way into the kitchen .

"Good morning babe ." I speak as I continued to sip on my coffee and checked more into our account.

"What you doing ?" He asks making his way over to me and taking a seat next to me as he drunk his apple juice .

"Checking our bank accounts along with purchases and yours isn't looking right ." I tell him .

"What you talking about ?" He asks me .

"It says that last week you purchased condoms as well as a plan b and we don't use condoms nor do I take plan b's because my tubes are tied so this doesn't make sense ." I tell him .

"I got those for Leo ." He tells me .

"Why are you buying Leo plan b's and condoms ?" I ask as I close my Mac book .

"Babe come on now , I'm Trynna help him avoid what jr went through that's all ." He says .

"Helping him how ? Because buying him things like that isn't It ." I tell him .

"Jada baby , let me handle this Alright ." He says before kissing my head and going back upstairs . Something don't seem right ..

Lonzo Ball -Walking in Leo's room , I see that he was still asleep , so i grab one of his pillows before hitting him in the head with it

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Lonzo Ball
Walking in Leo's room , I see that he was still asleep , so i grab one of his pillows before hitting him in the head with it .

"What was that for ?" He asks me .

"Get up we need to talk ." I tell him and he groans before sitting up .

"About ?" He asks me .

"I need you to help me lie to your mother ." I tell him and he laughs .

"Why do you need my help ?" He asks me .

"Because I've fucked up leo ." I tell him being completely honest.

"How bad ?" He asks me and I don't say anything .

"Damn dad ." He says .

"Yeah I know ." I say .

"Well I'll help you for right now but eventually moms gonna find out ." He says .

"She won't have to find out because I'm going to tell her ... eventually ." I say .

"So we set ?" I ask him .

"What's in it for me ?" He asks me , this nigga here ..

"What do you want leo ?" I ask him .

"A new car ." He says .

"Boy you are out your rabbit ass mind if you think I'm finna go out and get you a new car ." I say .

"I guess mom will be finding out about your affair with Denise ." He says . How the fuck did he figure it was Denise ..

"How you know it's Denise ?" I ask him .

"I didn't but I do now ." He laughs .

"What type of car leo ?" I ask him , I'm getting black mailed by my own son ..

"G wagon . Black with red interior . As well as black rims ." He smiles .

"Fine but you better not say shit ." I tell him .

"My lips are sealed pops ." He says as I walk out of his room .

I know it's wrong but I can't hurt her . Jada means the world to me and I was drunk when I even approached Denise . I know I should tell her but it'll break her .

| And I oop 👀 thoughts ? Comment.

5 votes and 5 comments .

Do you think Lonzo is gonna tell her ? Or do you think she's gonna find out herself? Lmk

Zoe🦋 |

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