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(PSA: I had to find a new jaden cause I've lost his @ :) as well as a new Caden and Genesis sooo sorry ❤️)

Jaden (His @ is prettyboii_marshh)-I wake up to the sound of what seemed to be Layla and my dad arguing , So getting out of bed I walk to my door opening it and seeing that Layla was walking downstairs obviously pissed by the select words my dad h...

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Jaden (His @ is prettyboii_marshh)
I wake up to the sound of what seemed to be Layla and my dad arguing , So getting out of bed I walk to my door opening it and seeing that Layla was walking downstairs obviously pissed by the select words my dad has chosen to use at her . My dad has never really gotten on to Layla before and the last time he tried to my mom made sure she put an end to it before he could even start something but for the last day or so my mom hasn't been home and my dad has been losing his mind because of it , I don't even think his ass has showered or even ate . Whatever is going on it isn't good , because he looks like complete death .

"Hey dad , you good ?" I ask him causing him to look up at me.

"Never been better ." He fakes a smile before walking back into his bedroom .

As I made my way downstairs , I see Layla in the kitchen as Leo and Jr sat on the couch playing 2k .

"Does anyone know when mom is coming home ?" Layla asked and Both Jr and Leo completely ignored her which was pretty normal for Leo to do so not so much for jr .

"So you assholes are just gonna ignore me ?" She asks obviously upset .

"We don't know just like you don't know Layla ." Jr says .

"Leo probably knows since he knew your whore of a mother seduced dad to create another fucked up child with her ." Layla says .

"How the fuck you know that ?" Leo asked her pausing the game .

"Just how you know things about me , I know things about you ." She says .

"Oh your talking about how I know your still fucking with that twenty one year old from butler and how you were with him yesterday." Leo says causing Jr to look at Layla .

"What the hell he talking about?" Jr asked Layla as she stayed silent .

"Oh she hasn't told you about her boyfriend , Jordan tucker ?" Leo says with an entertaining smirk on his face .

"Layla are you fucking stupid ?" Jr asks standing up from the couch .

"I don't need to hear another lecture from another Lonzo , so just drop it ." She tells him .

"I'm not gonna drop shit until you break up with him . Are you fucking stupid ?" He asks her .

"Get out of my face jr ." She warns him .

"Or what ?" He asks now towering over her .

Layla -"Or what ?" Jr asked as he towered over me causing me to push him back harshly after I sent a slap to his left cheek

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"Or what ?" Jr asked as he towered over me causing me to push him back harshly after I sent a slap to his left cheek .

As we all paused for a minute , he looked at me before trying to rush me before leo and Jaden grabbed him .

"Layla , I will whoop your little ass ." He says .

"Fuck you jr . This whole situation is your fault in the first place !" I yell at him .

"How ? How is any of this my fault ? No one told you to become a clout chasing slut ." He yells at me .

"Your mom bitch !" I argue back .

"Can we all just chill here ?" Leo says .

"You shut the fuck up ! Cause we'd never be in this position if you weren't Trynna kiss dads ass all the time ." Jr says .

"How am I Trynna kiss dads ass ? Your the one who doesn't like him because he's with my mom and not yours ." Leo says .

"I could give a fuck about Denise or That nigga up there . If you would've just told mom what was going on she'd probably still be here ass kisser ." Jr says and the next thing I witnessed was Leo's fist connecting with Jr's jaw and the two of them fist fighting in the kitchen .

Watching as Jaden struggled to break them up , I hear the garage door open and I see my mom walk in .

"Mom !" I say running to her and hugging her tightly .

"Hi sweetie— What the hell are y'all doing ?" She asks seeing that the boys were still fighting.

"Go get your father ." She tells me and I do as told .

Knocking on their bedroom door , I hear the sound of his heavy feet walking to the door .

"What ?" He asks me .

"Mom is downstairs and—" I start to say but was quickly cut off by him moving me out the way and running down the stairs ..

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Zoe ❤️ |

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