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Jr-I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing , so I extend my hand out before grabbing it off my nightstand and putting it to my ear

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing , so I extend my hand out before grabbing it off my nightstand and putting it to my ear .


"Are you still gonna meet me and my parents for breakfast today ?" I hear Solai ask me before i sigh .

"Yeah I guess ." I tell her .

"Okay , come pick me up and we'll meet them over there together." She says .

"Alright let me take a shower and get dress and I'll be on my way ." I tell her .

"Why don't we take a shower together to save water ?" She says .

"Nah I'm straight I'll see you in 45 ." I tell her before hanging up and getting out of bed .

"Jr where are you going ?" Beyoncé asks as she still laid down .

"I got things to do today , so I'm about to take a shower and get ready be ready when I get done please ." I tell her before walking in my bathroom .

Turning on the shower , I walked in my closet and looked for something to wear . I made sure it was something that fit the occasion , this would be the first time I've met her parents and first impressions are everything to Solai .

Getting out the shower , I seen that my little brother , leo was calling me .

"Yo ?" I ask as I wrap a towel around my waist .

"I don't know if you know or not but solai was pulling up to the house when I was making my way out , So I took bey home for you to save you some trouble." He says with a laugh .

"I swear this why you my favorite sibling." I laugh before hanging up and walking out my bathroom and seeing solai sitting on the end of my bed scrolling on her phone .

"No call ?" I ask her .

"Figured I'd just come to save us time ." She says and I nod before walking back into my bathroom to brush my teeth and get dress .

Walking back out , I spray some cologne on my body before grabbing my wallet and car keys .

"You ready ?" I ask her and she nods as she got up and followed me downstairs .

Getting in my Beamer , I push the start button before putting the car in reverse and pulling out the driveway and heading to the restaurant we were meeting her parents at .

Getting in my Beamer , I push the start button before putting the car in reverse and pulling out the driveway and heading to the restaurant we were meeting her parents at

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"Why couldn't jr take me home ?" Bey asks me as I drove her home .

"He has to do something for my mom ." I tell her .

"Your lieing , Solai must've showed up ." She says and I don't say anything .

"Leo I really love your brother , like I'm in love with him ." She tells me and I look over to see tears running down her face .

"He treats me like I'm not shit though and it hurts so bad because I'll do anything for him ." She cries causing me to reach on the side of my door and hand her a napkin .

"That's jr bey . Once you introduce him to a vibe he doesn't like it's hard to get the old him back ." I tell her .

"I deserve it though , I should've never slept with Genesis and now here he is at least trying to be faithful to some spoiled ass smart girl . What do you know about her ?" She asks me .

"Nothing really , I've never really met her . Just quick hi and byes ." I tell her as I pulled into her driveway .

"Oh alright well thanks leo ." She says opening the car door and walking inside her house .

Pulling out of her driveway I head back home and decided that I had a lot of things to think about ..

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Zoe ❤️ |

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