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Jaden-As food was being passed around the table everything was going good

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As food was being passed around the table everything was going good . No arguing. No smart comments . Just laughter and smiles .

"This reminds me of Beyoncé ." Solai smiles .

"How so ?" Beyoncé smirks .

"Cause your always getting passed around . Like food or a blunt perhaps ." Solai smiles .

"Okay . That's enough wine for you ." Jr says taking away Solai's wine glass .

"So Jordan , Are you excited for basketball ? Layla tells me you play and your pretty good ." My mom smiles making conversation .

"Yes ma'am I do — Mom that boy suck ." Jr says cutting off Jordan causing all the men to laugh at jr's comment .

"Jr can you not ." Layla says mugging jr causing him to raise his hands in defense .

"So Jordan how long have you been dating my niece ?" Uncle G asks as he passed me the collard greens . My mom definitely went dumb in the kitchen this year .

"It'll be a year next month ." Jordan replies before passing my sister the Mac n cheese and my dad coughed causing my mom to send another glare his way before he took a sip from whatever was in his cup .

"Dad , what you over there drinking ?" Leo laughs .

"Casamigos . Anyways , Jordan what made you wanna date a 16 year old girl ?" My dad asks him .

"Lonzo ." My mom warns .

"No it's fine Mrs.ball . With all respect Mr.ball I had no intention on being with Layla . But , we clicked and it happened . I think she's old enough to make her own decisions." Jordan says causing my dad to throw back his drink .

"Well let me say something with no respect at all . Your older then my oldest son . You don't find a problem with being with a 16 year old girl ? You giving real pedo vibes ." Zo says before my uncle melo and Eli started laughing causing them to receive a side eye from my mom .

"Lonzo Anderson , can you help me in the kitchen please ?" My mom says faking a smile.

"Which one ?" Jr asks confused .

"Your father sweetie ."she smiles .

"Yeah I'll be there ." My dad says .

"Right now !" My mom demands causing them both to excuse themselves from the table . Pops was definitely finna get chewed out .

Layla -As my mom and dad leave to the kitchen I look over at Jordan

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As my mom and dad leave to the kitchen I look over at Jordan .

"I'm so sorry babe ." I tell him and he gives me a smile .

"It's nothing I haven't prepared myself for . It's all good ." He says kissing my head .

"Aye none of that shit ." My uncle gelo says .

"It's a kiss on my head ." I say .

"I don't give a damn that leads to babies." He says causing me to roll my eyes .

"So Beyoncé how many months are you ?" I ask causing jr to mug me .

"I'm a couple weeks ." She smiles .

"Can't wait !" I say .

"Anyways , G can you pass me the yams ." Jr says to genesis before passing him the plate .

"Man when we goin play some just dance ." Caden says causing all of us to laugh .

"You want no smoke with me in that ." I say causing him to smack his teeth .

"You garbage ."

"Nah we definitely goin hop on the sticks after dinner ." Genesis says causing jr to dap him up .

"Y'all not messing with me in that either ." I say causing them all to laugh at me .

"What ? I'm actually really good ."

"Since when ?" Genesis asks me .

"Since Jordan taught me how to play ." I smile .

"I'm sure Jordan taught you a lot of things ." Jr smiles sarcastically.

"Yeah , throat goat ." Leo laughs .

"Aye cut it out ." My grandpa warns .

"How about we play a friendly game of pick up basketball." Jr smiles .

"Y'all definitely don't want that ." Jordan says .

"What you trynna say ? You'll beat me ?" Jr laughs .

"That's exactly what I'm saying ." Jordan says .

"The only thing you'll be beating is a case bro hush ." Jr says . He's such an ass .

|thoughts ? I love when y'all give me feedback it's always much needed and appreciated! Love you all |

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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