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Jada -"Aye cut it out

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"Aye cut it out ." I yell as jr and Leo continued to throw punches at one another . As Lonzo finally got downstairs he pulls jr off of Leo and stands in between them .

"What the hell is wrong with y'all ?" I ask them .

"Leo fucking started it ." Jr says .

"I don't care who started it , your the oldest you end it !" I tell him .

"What even happened ? Look at my house ! It's a got damn mess ." I yell as I looked at the dirty dishes that were set out on the counter , the messy living room and more .

"Listen you all have 2 hours to make this got damn house look spotless or all of y'all are in trouble , do you understand me ?" I ask him them causing them to nod .

"We will talk once you all are finish and work together as a team ." I say before setting the groceries I had in my hand on the counter and making my upstairs to Zo and I's bedroom .

Walking into our bedroom , I could tell Lonzo was of course right behind me .

"Where the fuck have you been ?" I hear him ask as I picked up his clothes that were scattered everywhere and put them in the laundry basket .

"Out ." I tell him .

"Well that's fucking obvious . You leave for two days and don't think about me or the kids . How selfish can you fucking be ." He speaks .

"You wanna talk about selfish Lonzo ?" I ask causing him no longer to speak and stare into my eyes .

"Didn't think so ." I add as I continued cleaning our room .

"Look , I fucked up okay . I'm sorry ." He says and I just laughed .

Laughed because I've been married to this man for almost 18 years and he just made the worse decision to hurt me . It's almost like a slap in the face to me because I believed we were passed this stage . During these last two days , I was in a hotel room feeling worthless and not enough for a man I promised to god that I would be faithful and loyal to through sickness and in health and for rich or poor . I changed myself to fit into his lifestyle and he still goes out and does something like this , something that in my eyes is unforgivable. I gave him 3 kids and raised his first like my own only to find out that Denise was pregnant once again and so was I . What have I done to him to make him feel like he had to back track with a women who isn't half of me .

As I was still in my thoughts , I was shortly cut off by the sounds of Zo crying .

"Why are you crying ?" I ask making sure to not make eye contact with him because if I did .. I'd probably forgive him with a quickness and apologize for things I didn't even do ..

"Jada I swear on my life I'll do anything .. just please don't leave me baby . I'm nothing without you , me not having you Is like me not having lungs or a heart and I can't live without those so please baby I'm begging you .. don't leave me ." He says as his voice cracked and I starred into his eyes .

"I'm gonna take a shower ." I tell him before walking into our bathroom and locking the door before breaking down . Where'd I mess up at ..

Zo -As Jada walked into the bathroom , I broke down even harder

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As Jada walked into the bathroom , I broke down even harder . I could tell that she was hurting and it hurt me to know that I caused her so much pain . I love her and I know right now it seems as if I don't but I do . I'd give jada anything to make her happy and I know I've fucked up once again but I promise I'll never do it to her again .

As I finally calm down , I walk into the bathroom to see her crying in the mirror and i quickly wrap my arms around her and allow her to cry in my chest .

"Why'd you do this to me lonzo ?" She cries and I didn't say a word , just allowed her to get off some steam .

"We have kids ! I gave you three lonzo Anderson ! What did she have that I didn't ?" She asks me as she looked up at me with her pretty brown eyes .

"Nothing baby . I've fucked up okay , I'm sorry . We're gonna get through this , I promise I'll never do anything like this ever again ." I say hugging her tightly as she continued to cry , We goin' be good ..

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