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Jada Chanel Ball-"Zo wake up , we gotta go get jr

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Jada Chanel Ball
"Zo wake up , we gotta go get jr. from the airport ." I tell my husband of 17 years .

Today our oldest son will be coming home for thanksgiving break , he's been at duke for his studies and basketball and honestly I've missed him , even though he's not my first born it sure feels as if he is .

"Five more minutes ." He groans .

"Lonzo Anderson get your ass up now !" I tell him and he finally sits up before looking at me and planting a kiss on my lips .

"Has the kids left for school yet ?" He asks me kissing my shoulder .

"Yes ." I tell him and he gets on top of me and starts kissing me .

"No sir we are not . We have to go get your son ." I say pushing him off of me .

"Babe come on ." He groans as I get out of bed and walk into our bedroom .

"No , now get dressed Lonzo ." I say before closing the bathroom door and I hear him yell loudly and laugh . That man is something else ..

Lonzo Anderson Ball -Waiting on jada to come out of the bathroom , I get a text from dmo

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Lonzo Anderson Ball
Waiting on jada to come out of the bathroom , I get a text from dmo .

iMessage from ; Dmo 💪🏾💯
What time jr. getting home ?
Delivered .

As I see that I decide to call him , instead of just texting him back .

"Yeah bro ?" He answers .

"I believe he already landed , we about to leave now to get him . Why what's up though ?" I ask him .

"Nothing , I was just Trynna see if y'all wanted to go out to dinner or something later on tonight when the kids get out of school and stuff ." He says .

"I'm down , ima ask jada and then I'll hit you back ." I tell him .

"Bet ." He says before hanging up .

"Ask jada What ?" I hear her say behind me and I turn around to see her putting on chapstick .

"Dmo wanted us to go out to eat tonight , I told him I'd ask you ." I tell her as she grabbed her purse .

"Yeah we can go , today was the kids last day before break so I Don't see why not ." She smiles and I nod before texting Dmo and letting him know the plans for tonight are on go .

"You ready ?" I ask her and she nods before we walk downstairs to the car garage and head to lax .
Getting to the airport , I decide to FaceTime jr to see where he's at .

"Yessir ?" He answers .

"Where you at ?" I ask him .

"I'm walking outside now , what car y'all in ?" He asks me .

"The wagon ." I tell him .

"The White one or the black one ." He asks me .

"The white one , your mom is getting out the car now ." I tell him .

"Aww hell you brought Denise which you ?" He asks me .

"That was a dumb as question for you to ask with you being at a good learning university and shit ." I tell him and he laughs before I hang up and I see jada run to him and hug him tightly .

Even though Jr isn't hers , she's never made him seem as if he wasn't hers . She's been with him and by our side since he was an infant and for that I thank her everyday . The bond they both have together is amazing and jr has nothing but respect and love for her .

Getting out the car , I see jada still holding jr tightly .

"Alright let the boy go ." I tell her and she laughs as she lets him go and I give him a hug .

"They got you looking like a grown man out here ." I tell him and he laughs as we put his bags in the trunk and get back in the car and head home .
Getting home , I help jr with his bags and we head inside .

"So how you liking duke so far ?" Jada asks him as we all take a seat in the living room .

"It's pretty cool so far . Workouts been great . My teammates are pretty chill ." He tells us .

"Well that's good ." Jada smiles .

I just noticed something though , since we got him from the airport he's been wearing this jacket and might I say that it's hot as hell outside , So this nigga gotta be hiding something .

"Why you still got on this jacket ? It's hot as hell outside ." I tell jr .

"It was cold on the plane ." He says and I nod .

"So How'd you and Beyoncé ? Are the two of you still together ?" Jada asks him .

"Nah , we broke up probably two weeks into the school year ." He tells her .

"Aww I'm sorry ." Jada says .

"I'm not ." He says and both him and I laugh as Jada mugs us . I'm glad to have this pain in the ass back .

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Zoe 🦋 |

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