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Jr-"What do you mean she's coming to dinner ?" Solai asks as she sat on my bed as I took care of my waves

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"What do you mean she's coming to dinner ?" Solai asks as she sat on my bed as I took care of my waves . Of course , she wasn't too happy about Beyoncé coming to dinner but my dads right . Beyoncé will indeed be in my life for longer then I want and if she wanna stay in my life as well she'll definitely need to put her pride to the side and deal with Beyoncé . Hell I don't wanna deal with her ass but for the next eighteen years I definitely have to .

"She'll be coming to dinner because that's what Jada wants ." I explain to her .

"Why?" She continues to question.

"Solai . Baby . My love . Stop asking me questions. Beyoncé is coming to dinner along with my mom and we'll both have to suck it up and understand it . Okay ?" I say and kiss her forehead.

"Alright , fine . " she sighs .

"You know I love you right ?" I tell her as I picked her up off of my bed causing her to wrap her legs around my waist .

"Yes , because I love you more ." She smiles before kissing my lips .

"Ima marry you one day ." I tell her .

"Will I get a baby too ?" She smiles .

"You already got a baby on the way ." I tell her .

"No I want my own baby . I want a little girl that's just like me ." She smiles and I laugh .

"Whenever your ready , I'll give you exactly that ." I tell her .

"I'm ready now ." She says as she leaves little kisses on my neck .

"No your not ." I tell her .

"Jr please ." She says as I put her down .

"No solai , give it time ." I tell her before walking into my bathroom and continued to get ready . I was not finna jump into that conversation with her .

Finally as everyone arrived , I walkout to the backyard and seen my uncles , dad and grandpa playing spades .

"You ass my nigga !" My uncle Eli yells to my uncle melo .

It's always a good time when the whole family together , especially during the holidays.

"Jr your mom and Beyoncé are here !" I hear Jada yell causing me to walk back inside .

"Hey baby ." Denise says before hugging me causing me to flash a fake smile . I don't hate Denise . She gave me life for goodness gracious but I definitely don't like her and wish Jada was my real mom sometimes that's all .

"Hey mom how you been ? What's up bey ." I say giving Beyoncé a head nod because I know for a fact Solai was watching my every move .

"Good just waiting to find the sex of your little sibling that's all ." She smiles as Jada walks up .

"Hey Denise , your getting bigger . Beyoncé how you doing sweetie ? Are you hungry ?" Jada asks with a smile on her face .

"Yes ma'am." Beyoncé answers before walking away with Jada .

"So how's school sweetie ? When do you go back ?" Denise asks trynna make conversation as we follows behind bey and Jada .

"Good and I go back in a week ." I tell her . This faking it shit might be easier then I thought .

Leo-Currently as we all sat at the dinner table , it was consistent shots being thrown between Beyoncé and Solai

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Currently as we all sat at the dinner table , it was consistent shots being thrown between Beyoncé and Solai . My dad and mom sat at the opposite ends of the table from eachother . Oh and let's not forget that Layla is waiting for her boyfriend to show up whom no one except me knows about . This is definitely about to get good .

"Can we eat and say grace now got damn I'm hungry ." My uncle melo says as everyone laughs .

"Wait guys , Layla's guest is literally down the street y'all can wait another 5 minutes it isn't gonna kill you all ." My mom says as she scrolled through her phone .

"Well since we're waiting I just wanna say thank you Mrs.ball for the invite , even though some weren't necessarily wanted here but you always have such a huge and forgiving heart ." Solai smiles .

"Bi— He's here ! Be right back ." Layla says jumping for joy causing my uncles and dad to look at eachother .

"He ?" My dad questions as Layla runs out the house .

As a couple seconds pass by Layla walks back inside following Jordan . Told you this shit was finna get spicy .

"Family meet Jordan , my boyfriend ." Layla says as she smiled from ear to ear and I can see my dads face turn a bright red as well as jr's .

"I need a drink ." My uncle G says getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen .

"Yeah I second that ." Uncle melo chimes in .

"Yeah I think ima go too . Come on Zo let's go get a drink ." My uncle dmo says causing both my dad and him to rise from the table and to the kitchen where my other uncles were .

"Welcome Jordan . It's finally nice to meet you honey ." My mom says getting up and greeting Jordan with a hug .

"I see where Layla gets her looks from ." He smiles . We all know it ain't from my dad . So , that was dumb to say .

Finally as everyone comes back from the kitchen and gets seated , my mom stands up with a smile on her face .

"Before we begin to pray , I just want to thank everyone for joining us today . You all mean a lot to Zo and I and we're very grateful to have you guys with us ." She says causing my dad to stand up as well .

"Yes like Jada said we're family and of course every family has problems but we are thankful that we can get through anything with y'all and I just want y'all all to pray for Layla and Jordan cause they won't be here for long ." He sarcastically smiles before my mom gives him an evil look causing him to sit down .

"Excuse my husband Jordan he can be bit of a jokester when under the influence." My mom says sending Jordan a reassuring smile .

"Oh I wasn't joking Jordan I'm dead ass— Anyways father god we thank you for all of the blessings we've received and are about to . I pray that you continue to look over this family and make us stronger and healthier everyday you allow us to breathe . Thank you for allowing us to be safe wherever we go lord . In Jesus name we pray , amen ." My mom says cutting off my dad .

"Amen ." We all say in sync before digging into the food . What a great thanksgiving huh ?

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