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^Layla's bestfriend , Jade Carter .

Jaden-"Babe you think I should get my second piercing ?" Serenity asked as she layed down and watched me play 2k in my bedroom

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"Babe you think I should get my second piercing ?" Serenity asked as she layed down and watched me play 2k in my bedroom .

"It's not my ears ." I tell her trying to focus as I played online with Caden .

"Jaden your so fucking rude ." She says .

"I'm just saying , why ask me if you didn't want my honest opinion ?" I ask her .

"It's not even about you being honest it's just the way you say things ." She says .

"You being extra sensitive today , what's wrong ? Is it that time of the month?"I ask her as I continued to play my game .

"You know what .." I hear her say before she got out of my bed and grabbed her things .

"Call me when your done being a dickhead . Oh , and for your information my period is late by a week ! You fucking asshole ." She says before storming out .

She'll be back eventually .

"Wait did she just say a week ?" I question out loud before pausing the game and grabbing my car keys and running to the car garage.

"Wait did she just say a week ?" I question out loud before pausing the game and grabbing my car keys and running to the car garage

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"Just do it one time ."

"Layla , No stop asking !" Jordan yells as the two of us were on FaceTime with one another .

He'll be in Cali tomorrow and I'm so excited cause I've missed my big ass baby !

"Why not ?" I pout .

"Cause that shit is gay ! I'm not doing it ." He says and I laugh .

I've been trying to convince him to do a little twerk for me for the past 10 minutes .

"Guess when I see you tomorrow , you won't be getting none ." I tell him .

"Ouch that hurt ." He says sarcastically .

"I'm serious ." I tell him .

"So am I . I've been sex free since July and it's now November , I can go another 5 ." He says and I laugh .

"Yeah we goin' see ." I say and he laughs .

"No cap , I do miss you though . Your prolly the first person ima be with as soon as I get back ." He says and I smile .

"I better be the first person ." I say and he laughs .

"Your always gonna be the first person ." He says and I feel my cheeks get red .

"Look at you being all sweet ." I say and he laughs .

"What you mean I'm always sweet to you ." He says .

"Now you know you lieing ." I tell him and he laughs .

"I'm really not but I have a question for you my princess ." He says .

"Shoot ."

"When am I gonna meet your parents ? I believe it's time we start handling that ." He says .

"As in parents you mean the two people who created or parents as in jayz and Beyoncé cause I don't know when you'll be able to meet them cause I ain't even met them yet ." I say and he stale faces me .

"See this why I'm mean to yo' dumbass . Your parents as in the pair that created yo' ass ." He says and I laugh .

"When do you wanna meet them Jordan ?" I ask him .

"Thanksgiving , I take you to my house introduce you to my mom and we go back to your house and you do the same ." He says .

"That'll work but I must warn you they don't know your age ." I admit .

"I thought you told them Layla ."

"I mean I did , sort of ." I tell him .

"What you mean sort of ?" He questions .

"Well I was talking to them and I was like hey what if I told y'all I was dating someone who was the legal age to drink and my dad looked at me as if he was gonna murder me so I just said Sike and laughed and went upstairs to my room ." I tell him .

"Layla you need to tell them before I get down there which means you need to tell them today ." He says .

"Jordan if I tell them they're not gonna understand . Your 21 , the oldest of my brothers is 19 . My dad and jr are literally gonna flip shit and not to mention that my uncles and my grandpa are gonna be there it's not gonna make it any better ." I tell him .

"Layla if you tell them now rather then me poppin' up it'll be better ." He says and I sigh .

I'm just afraid they're not gonna allow me to be with him . I really like Jordan , he takes things slow and is such a gentlemen . I can't imagine letting him go .

"Fine J , I will." I tell him .

"You better babe I'm not playing ." He says .

"I will ."

All I'm gonna say is pray for me .

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Zoe ❤️ |

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