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Jr-"You don't ever fucking listen to me Jr !" Solai yells as the two of us sat in my car outside of her house

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"You don't ever fucking listen to me Jr !" Solai yells as the two of us sat in my car outside of her house . Lately things been kind of rocky between us , ever since it was confirmed that Beyoncé indeed is pregnant with my child .

"I am listening to you solai ." I say as I looked straight ahead . She's been yelling at me for the last 30 minutes.

"Nah you don't but I bet if I was that bitch Beyoncé you'd be all ears and I'd have your full attention." She says . Here we go ..

Deciding not to say anything back , I grab my phone out of the cup holder before Turning it on and getting on Twitter .

"There you go again . Back to ignoring me right ." She says .

"Solai I don't wanna argue with you tonight . I'm tired we've been out all day running errands and you really think I wanna sit here and argue with you ." I ask her as calm as possible . I understand she's hurt by my actions but this bitching for no reason gotta stop .

"You'll argue with Beyoncé til your red in the face , what's the difference with me ?" She asks .

"I'm not committed to Beyoncé — and your not committed to me either ." She says cutting me off before I could finish my sentence .

"Look Solai , I know I hurt you and I'm sorry baby ." I tell her .

"No your not jr ." She says and I look at her and stare into her beautiful eyes and I could tell that tears were threatening to spill from them .

"I love you more than I love myself jr and that's the problem . " she says as tears ran down her face .

"Ever since we met I did nothing but be faithful to you and prayed that hopefully you'd change your ways for me but you won't because your still in love with Beyoncé and you'll always be in love with her ." She adds .

"I don't love her Solai , I love you ." I tell her .

"So why is she pregnant ?" She asks me .

"Because I'm an idiot . I was upset with you for not giving yourself to me so I decided to get it from someone I know who would give it to me ." I admit .

"My actions were stupid and I promise baby I'll never do it again . I promise ." I add and she just looks at me .

"I love you ." I tell her as I wiped her tears away before leaning towards her for a kiss and she does the same .

As our kiss deepened , I grab her out of her seat and place her on my lap as we continued to make out and surprisingly she allowed my hands to roam her body .

"I want it ." She says causing me to look at her a bit shocked .

"No you don't ." I tell her .

"Yes . I do ." She says dragging her finger nails down my stomach before allowing her hand to sit on top of my print as she looked deeply in my eyes .

"Get in the back ." I tell her and she does as told. God bless ..

Leo -As I sat in the living room playing 2k , I hear the garage door open and close before seeing jr smiling from ear to ear as he typed away on his phone

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As I sat in the living room playing 2k , I hear the garage door open and close before seeing jr smiling from ear to ear as he typed away on his phone .

"The hell wrong with you ?" I ask causing him to laugh .

"Nothing little bro . What you in here playing ?" He asks me before sitting beside me .

"2k . You trynna hop on ?" I ask him .

"Yeah but first let me go take a shower ." He says standing up .

"Nigga why are you so happy ?" I ask .

"Well if you really wanna know . I just went to heaven ." He says .

"Heaven ? Nigga are you high ?"

"Yes on life ." He says causing me to laugh .

"Solai let you fuck or something?" I ask jokingly only for me not to get a respond , he just sat there smiling.

"For real ?" I asked shocked as he nodded his head as a response .

"Rubber ?" I question.

"Nigga you think I'd be feeling this good if I fucked with a rubber ." He says and I laugh .

"I'm in love ." He adds causing me to laugh once again . I know that his "in love" with Solai won't last long , he's to focused on Beyoncé for that .

"We'll see how long this one will last ." I say before passing him the controller . Not trying to be negative but it's jr . Girls constantly throw themselves at him and he's like our dad , his heart belongs with one woman while his dick belongs to multiple .

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Merry Christmas 😘|

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