When it disappears sometimes you got to live

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Tamies POV

I fell to the ground on to a pool of cold blood. It was thick and sticky and felt cool against my heated skin. I wanted to scream but my mouth wouldn't move nor my vocal cords.

I stood up my legs shaking, and took a small shuffle in the dead body's direction. "Right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg." I muttered to myself, it was like I bad to learn to walk again.

I was an arm away from Brody and I didn't know what to do. I stared at him, my breath cought in my throat. I inched a little bit closer tears in my eyes. He-he wasn't dead was he? There was only one way to find out.

I touched his arm. It was as cold as ice. My hand was shaking. I stood up and squeezed his arm. It didn't really feel like him it was kinda soggy and soft. I sighed I don't think it was really him. I cried. But happy tears, he was ok. I smiled to myself everything was going to be ok, well hopefully.

I took a step back really thinking about what had just happened. I laughed and sat on the ground, then laughed some more. Then I realized as I passed out from lack or oxygen that, everything is fine. I'm out of the hunger games, as far as I know everyone I love is still alive. And I was fine.

*Cassie's POV*
I ran to the middle as the walls closed faster. Me and Brody were holding hands, well more like he was dragging me along. Once we got to the center there was just a large black hole.

We looked at each other. "What do we do?" Brody asked me.

"I'm not sure, but let's jump. If we die at least I'll die with you," I responded giving his hand a squeeze. He nodded at me with a smile.

We ran and lunged into the dark hole. I couldn't see anything but I could feel Brody's hand and thats all I needed to know.

As we fell I started to move so I was falling down on my back. As I looked down I saw light from far below. As it got closer I could see people below.

As we landed on some sort of pillow I was extracted from Brody's grasp. And was put on a hospital bed. They put some sort of seat belt around me so I couldn't move, although I tried. I pushed and wiggled and screamed for Brody. I didn't know where he was going but I wanted to go with him.


*Cassie's POV*

I sat up when I noticed Brody wasn't in the room. I looked at his bed. It was made and his oatmeal was already eaten. I checked the clock it was only 9, we aren't allowed to leave our room until 11. That's when we begin the mandatory body checks. It was me, Brody and some other kids that were left. Their names are Tara, Eric and Erin. I've got pretty close with these people. We all share a room together (separated by curtains).

Everyone was still sleeping, I knew because I had looked through everyone's 'area' in a attempt to find Brody. There was only one other place he could go; out of the room. I turned the doorknob and to my surprise it was unlocked. I could just push it open. This door was always locked, just to make sure none of us tried to run away. I stepped out of the room. The tiled floor was cold on my feet, I forgot to put on my grey flats, that's what the provide us with for shoes. For clothes we get a grey hospital gown. Well we are at a hospital.

I walked down the quiet hall. There was no movement at all. No door opened and no one spoke. There was only two doors in this hall. The checking room and the room we go to during free time. He wasn't in either. I walked farther down and turned right. There was many more doors in this hall. But only one I wanted to check. I'm not sure why, just something called my to it. It was all the way at the end of the hall. I got to it, took a deep breath and pushed it open.

inside there was a long table and sitting at it was my mentor, Brody's mentor, Tamie's mentor, Brody and Tamie. My face brightened like a Christmas tree, "TAMIE!" I Screamed lunging at her. Everyone looked up from the folders on the table. Tamie put her arms up in a hug and I grabbed tightly onto her. I didn't want to let go or she might leave me again. I began to cry.

"Cass! Its ok, its ok. I'm right here," She tried to reassure me. I sobbed hysterically, I couldn't stop. I thought Tamie was gone forever. She's not anymore and I'll never ever let her do anything like that again! I felt someone hug me from behind. I turned my head, it was Brody. He was whispering soothing things in my ear.

"Sit down please," Said Ariel, I turned my head to her, sending her my best death glare but I sat down anyway. "Alright now that that's done we can get back to business. Now that the president is dead-"

"WHAT!" I yelled jumping up from my seat. Ariel looked really ticked at me now.

"Yes," she sighed, "When Tamie jumped from the cliff we took her and we brought her to the capital building and."



Slaming open the door of the room I was forced in, I walked out with my head held high, "Did it work?" Ariel asked loading her gun. She had a blunt smirk on her face and I wanted to punch it. I grunted in response to which she laughed. I picked up the gun I had dropped when I flew in and felt the adreniline serge through my vains. 

"Lets go," I nodded a smile growing on my face. I was going to kill someone today, and not some inoccent 14 year old who wants to go home. No I'm going to kill a 30 something year old who works for an evil man and enjoys it. And I might even kill that evil man. This thought gave me hope that got me moving. The thought of kill the president kept me going after every dead soldier flopped to the ground after a gun shot.The thought that made me really think of my family, it was bringing me home.

That was all I could think, then we were there. I was staring into the souless eyes of President Snow. I countiued to stare as I was nudged in the shoulder, and as I raised my gun. And when I shot him right in the heart.


There ya go. Thats almost it. I'm writing an epiologe (that I promise will come out super soon, for real this time). Once I finish that I'm posting one more update and thats the one to say I finished all the editing. Please once that comes up reread all of it. I already have changed some mager plotlines (ex: I got rid of the random ghost) So please, please for the love of all thats holy do it!

Ok anyway there will be some sentimental crap after the epilogue and then I'm out. Read my other stories if you want more of me. (My writing style changes throughout the other books because they're different types of books. My rest are more sirouse).

ps. I relize my writting is shit rn its because I'm suppose to be doing homework and I don't want to work to hard, also the new writing system is super hard to use on pc.

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