Burn baby BURN!

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Tamie's POV

I laid down on my sleeping bag wondering where everyone might be. sudionly I smell smoke and I'm up in an instent getting everything and waking everyone up. im not sure what the smoke is knowing the hungergames it could be anything from forest fires to some idiot desided to make a fire in the middle of the forest, ginus.

we were out of there faster then teenagers out of school on friday, yes that fast. well when we got out I expected to come eye-to-eye with a person with a fire roasting a rabbit or something, oh but was i wrong. out there was a tall muscular man, well boy because he's in the hungergames on fire! I knew I couldent help him and I didn't really want to but all you heard was the distince sound of a person, female I knew that for sure, laughing. and not even a little giggle no a full evil laugh.

Then the worst thing possible happened he rolled into the tree and it cot on fire. I full out started running didn't look back just kept running till I felt the sinking of the sand under my feet.

I looked back relived that everyone followed me. Brody had Cassie in his arms proble started carrying her when she started running, because shes a pretty slow runner, but nope she huge burn up here leg.


Ariel's POV

Hand and hand with emily we connected to the spirit world. The room was quiet exapt for the crackling of the fire. The fire went out and I heard wosh.

"what do you want? You know what I don't want to hear it because you let me DIE." jack said.

I opened my eyes to see an semi-parent jack with a very angry face on.

"sorry, I can't stop what happens in the games," I said

"I don't care about your pity, ok I just want to be left in peace!" he said

"but don't you want to get revenge?"


Brody's POV

I love you, I love YOU, I LOVE you. I don't know how to tell her I love her.


"CASSIE!" i screamed looking around worried.

"I'm right here, where you left me, duh!" She said I left here propped on a rock under a sand hill, we digged a little hut under the sand hill where the cold sand is to keep her leg cool. Tamie and Tama went to go look for fresh water. I keep stressing about her, like I don't want her to get hurt or anything, not that I like her or anything, STOP ASKING ME! Anywho a parachute floats down and I'm grabbing at it like, like a mad men afraid that if I don't grab it it's going to dissaper forever. I get it and open it thankful to find a little jar of medicine and when I say small I mean like itty bitty like just enough to cover Cassie's burns, and that's exactly what I did. Cover her burn marks I mean.

She winces in pain when I do it and I feel so bad because I don't want to hurt my precious Cassie, I-I mean, oh who I'm I kidding I love Cassie I really do and it's not some sorta scam to get spawners, oh no I really love her.

"crunch, crunch, crunch." goes the sand and I think some one is coming but me being such a dope in Love I don't do anything and good thing too because it was just Tama and Tamie. Tamie runs to Cassie shoving water into her face telling her to drink it .

The sun is setting and when the mon starts to rise and the national anthem plays and the faces of lost ones come up and I count them, 1,2,3,4,5 and then the ones that died yesterday it equals 15. "wow they are just flying threw us 15 died in 2 days that must be some record. Like that's more then half we will have to split soon and man I don't want to split with you guys," I said with tears gracing my eyes but I must be strong I do want spawners.

"alright I'll gard you guys sleep." tamie said, I trust Tamie so much its bad, like really bad 'cause how will I kill her! Wait, wait, back up here I'm not killing Tamie or Cassie or Tama these girls are the best I can't just kill them! Goodness! I HATE THE HUNGER-GAMES! Putting defenceless girls in here who sould be out, I don't know in the kitchen washing stuff? I don't know I'm not a girl!

So instead I sleep I nice sleep where I'm there protecting Cassie from harms way. But I know I need to confuse my love for Cassie before we have to split. I am then woken up by Tama its my sift from now to morning it's not long though. So I sit there when I paircute hits me in the head I knew it was there just you got to give them a show.

I open it when all that's in is a little piece of paper whitch is more then like a weapon and it says, 'cut it off'


Done sorry it took me so long but then my cuz begged and begged and so here it is there you go Natalie. Luv u :D


Bub byes :D


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