Truth, Dare or Die

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Erin's POV (she was the ? POV from earlier)

I saw Brody put the rocks up and I knew it was death time for me. He was my last chance of survival. My partner ditched me, yaay! (that was sarcastic) the 'careers' closed up on my I pounded on the rocks and started screaming and crying, why me I didn't do anything wrong in life. I'm kind and peaceful, WHHHY!

They saw me crying and picked me up by my collar dragging me over to there camp. "hmmm what should we do with her?" Sara asked Zarck

"you could let me go and hope I die from some one else, natural causes or mutant beasts that the gamemakers make," I stated

"hahaha, not-" Sara go interrupted by Zarck

" let's play truth, dare or die!" Zarck exclaimed Sara seemed over joyed with that so she sat beside me and Zarck sat the opposite of me.

"h-how do you play" I asked trying to sound as non scared as possible, it wasn't working .

"ha," Zarck giggled " it's like truth or dare but if You don't do the dare or you don't do it right you die." oh no this is bad.

"I'll go first," Sara volunteered "Um, girl-"


-right Erin truth dare or die?" she asked

Oh cows(I say random farm animals names instead of swearing) "um, truth."

"ok do you like any one who is in the hunger games?" she asked

" no," I simply stated, she jumped up grabbed a sorwed and pointed it to my neck in one movement.

"don't lie to me" she said with clenched teeth

"sorry , sorry,"I apologized "um, Eric I gu- I mean ya Eric."

"nice, your turn," she said

"Z-Zarck truth dare or die?" I asked-stuttered

"ah, truth, I guess."

"um, who do you like," I asked

"Sara," he said breezily

"Sara truth dare or die" he asked


"kiss me," he said they lend in and this was my chance, I slowly scooted over to the sorweds, reached over and grabbed one. Slowly but carefully as soon as their lips touched I stabed the sorwed in their hearts. I waited till the cannons went of before I stoped stabbing them.

Sara blinked and before she died I said "truth dare or die what's that you want die? Ok!" I said and stabbed her in the heart again right in the middle. And she died


Ok I have a few questions an I want some answers

Question 1: do you like my chapters short like this and lots of them or really long ones an less of them

Q 2: should I continue to do different POV or sould I just stick with Tamie's an switch very occasionally

K that's it

Tell me in the comments I want to make this story better for you guys



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