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Well this is it. So enjoy.


I laid a soft kiss apon his tiny baby head. He was so sweet, it made me happy that me and my husband finnaly were blessed with a child of our own. Cassie and Brody were more than lucky, their fourth child had been born last month. My husband tenderly kissed his small forhead too. He smiled at me and jestured with a few hand signles. I giggled a little and whispered in his ear, "I love you too, Itty."





Well I wanna thank all the people who've been with me for this journey (manly my cousin) and those few readers that sticked around for the last few chapters. You guys rock! You never commented or voted but you were there, you ghost readers. You know who you are, sketchy people. Ignore my writing its my author's note I can spell however I want! M'kay? Anyway like I said in the last chapter after this chapter there will be one more. It will just say I finished editing, and to read my story again. I will edit some major plotlines and fix plot holes ok. Also if you can't wait for that and you want more of me! Then check out my other stories.

If you like Gravity Falls, I will be having two fanfics out as soon as I have five chapters in each. One is a reverse gf AU the other is just a normal one with my OC.

Want more dark stuff? The preview for a new story coming out in 2016 is a semi steam punk story about a underground system that collects soul, called shockingly The Soul Collecter. As well something coming out very soon (at the end of the year) will be a kidnapping story. Its very dark and not for younger viewers ok? Don't read it if you don't like blood and gore, its Lost and Left For Dead.

Want something more light hearted? Out right now is a Dear Stranger its about two penpals from different part of Ontario. Its cute and helps people move on with stuggles (:

Idk what catogory this falls under but My Perfect Family (name pending) is about quadtuplets who are spread across the world must reunite.

Another story is my fanfiction for Steven universe. It's a human/highschool au. And its super cute and fluffy and called Missing Pieces.

Finally. If none of those are your thing, you could always read someone my poems and short stories. Contained in Aunamonks Poems and Fandom Short Stories.

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