The bancute

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Tamie's POV

Tara, Eric and Erin thats who was left.

No one else, 2 agaist 3 gropes of 1.

That means its easyer to get what we need.

I looked up and saw the sun almost at the highest point in the sky. "Brody grab your knife and lets go get our thing."

"Alright, Will be back in a moment take care of Tama and be careful," Brody warned Cassie.

"Souldn't I be the one telling you to be careful?"

"wahtever," Brody said and kissed Cassie on the head.

"Good luck," Tama yelled

"we don't need it." I shouted back.

we started through the hot sand and walked stright to the middle of the arena. we headed near the burt down forest. we headed in and around us there were black trees and crisp leaves. the ground crunched under us. i stopped

"what?" Brody asked

"I hear noices." we both became silent. I heard crutching coming from about 5 meaters away from us.

Then it stopped

And I slowed my breath and stayed still and so did Brody. I shuffled quitly over near the nosie. I peered around the tree and I saw a girl. But she ran and I couldn't get her in time. We continued to walk to the bouquet.

we neared the banqute and I saw the all the bioms closer together we stayed behind the burnt bushes. We peared through the bushes and saw 5 bags in front of the cronacopia. "wait 5?" I wisperd to Brody "there are only 4 groups noth 5."

We looked closer on the bags writting on them were Numbers. on the first on there was a 6,, the second one an 11, thired 8, forth 3 and the fifth a 5.

I knew Tama was district 3, Brody was 8 and I'm 5. Well there is another girl in 8, Tara Something or other. They are the only 2 people from the a district left. but i'm pretty sure its for tara. but thats not going to stop me from taking it. then out of nowhere a small girl ran out reaching for the 6 bag but before she could I pulled out my knife and therw it at her it hit her square in the eye and I looked away.

She screamed out in pain and I hurt me too. But I just want to get home. I heard gasps and a finnaly scream then she went silent.. When I turned back the 11 bag was gone and the small girl was layign on the ground with the knife in her eye and her mouth open in a scream. Then the cannon went off.

we looked around. the only other person left to get the bag was tara and she was no where to be seen. My and Brody looked at each other then made a brake for it. I reached for the 5 bag and the 3 bag. Brody went for the 6 and 8 bag. 

we got the bags then made a brake for it. we didn't stop running till we made it back to Cassie and Tama. When we got there I opened the 3 bag not wasting any time. in it was a tine plastic shouvel you know the kind that you would use on the beach when your building a sand castel.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "here Cassie you use this, Me and Brody will use our hands." I commanded I handed Cassie the souvel and start digging with my hands. 

1 hour later.

We pulled Tama out of the ground. She was wet with sweat and had dirt, rocks and sand stuck to her. her neck was split open on the back and she was suverly bleeding. 

"Oh My God, Tama!" Cassie Gapped

"She's not going to make it we need to kill her or she will die in pain. Some one justs needs to do it fast, In the heart. Well um... it can't be me beacuse I thought of the plan." Brody wisperd in mine and Cassies ears.

"It can't be mine eairther, beacouse I just got the shouvel so I'm tired and, ya.." I mutterd in reasponse.

"But...but.... Ok fine I'll do it." Cassie gave in

"Hey Tama," Cassie scooted over to Tama, "How you feeling?"

"Bad my neck really hurts."

"well I know a way..."

"What is it?!"

"Sigh, First reamaber your my best friend, Ok and whatever I do just trust its for the right thing and not beacouse i don't  love you, ok"



"alright, alright OK," 

"good," She eged closer to Tama with the knife behind her back. she leaned over and as fast as a fox she stabbed her in heart. Tama Opened her eyes wide gsped then went limp. The cannon went off and as if some sort of cue at the same we all started crying.

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