Bye Bye

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Tamie's POV


As we hobbled down the sandy road, wait stop it there! That totally sounds like someone would say in those cowboy movies! So but some dunnan bow bow bow music in the background and give me some boots and I'll be in a cowboy movie! Eeeeeha! Whoops I start singing the dunnan song, oh well whatever.

"Tamie, why on earth are you singing that?" asked Cassie.

"Well I was thinking we were cowboy- I mean cow girls, and we were walking down one of those roads, that are dusty and sandy," I replied

"CASSIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" we heard someone scream, now let me think, now who has an undying love for Cassie? Hmmm I just can't figure it out. Brian, Brady, Bonnie, Brainy, wait that last one is just dumb, who names their kid Brainy, 'oh look what a pretty baby boy, I shall name him Brainy!' like what the heck who dose that?

I know it is Brody, but I don't know if I want him to find me or not. a part of me wants him to and another part doesn't.


Brody's POV

"CASSSIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" I sceramed my cassie shes gone i dont think shes dead, i didnt think i heard a cannon go off. i felt anger rush threw me. i puched a hole in the sand, colapsing the little fort we had, i dove out runing a lot of the food we had. i dug out the most of the stuff i could and the stuff i couldent i just couverd back up so no one could find it. i grabbed the only knife they left and started running, i dont know where i was going i was just running. i went to the farther back past the only pond in thins place. i heard foot steps, Cassie?! i ran faster when i saw in wasent her i just killed them on the spot they didnt have a better weapon so i just kept running. i went closer to the burnt down forest i heard struggling and crying and saw cassie! but she was all alone.

"CASSIE!" i screamed and ran to hug her. i made contact and she stiffend , "Cassie, whats wrong?" i asked worry in my vocie.

"um... will you kill me if i wasent cassie?" Cassie asked

"ofcorse i would cassie, why?'

"no reason," she said as she wigled out of my grasp. "but im just so parched i havent had a drink in like HOURS!" she exlamied

"oh ofcorse i'll go get you some thing to drink!" i ran off rushing to get her a drink. cassie sounded a little diffrent maybe thats just my imagination, ya probubly that. i got cassie so water and when i came back she wasent there. NOOOO not again!well i'llfind her again! BOOM! that was a cannon! "CA-" i stopped my self i could get found.then i felt something i've never felt before,was it fear? i was all alone am i going to defend myself? well i know something for sure, Tamie and Tama think taking cassie away from me is going to hurt me make me lose well geuss what im GOING to get Cassie back and im GOING to win this year's games,wither i have to kill Tamie or not.


Ariel's POV

"so you reamber what to do, right?" i asked again

jack shied, "YES for the thosandth time,YES!!!" he yelled

"Vas happing" ,said some one in a sleard voice, "i was going to the light when a cannon whent off and next thing i know i'm here!" said another random ghostly person. our army really grew since the beging, every singly person who died this year in the hungerGames come here to fight. we finnaly have enough. jack winked and him and his freainds went threw the door. i heard screams and shouts of fear,i peaked threw the window. the fear plasterd on all their faces was priceless! there were tears comming down and they were begging them not to take them.

now jack and them have no real powers just the fact that they are ghost's and can scear the poop out of everyone. so the cant kill them or anything but they can know what its like screamming when you think your going to die. see the pain and knowing how sceard they were gave me a sence of accomlishment. i laugh a good long deep laugh as they ran out of the room tears poring down thier face buckets out a time.

and i yell out as the run out of the bulding, "How dose in feel?!"

Jack and all the ghost chased them outside and into the trap that was waiting for them. I walked out and closed the cage. "Ariel, what are you doing? GET US OUT OF HERE!" Some one screamed.

"Well that's not a very polite way to say stuff to the person who has you in a cage, is it? I asked her smirking

"Well what do you plan on d-doing with us?" She asked scared.

"It's simple really, what did you do to me and all these lovely dead," I simply stated in the most calm matter.

"I-in the Hunger Games..." She said


Cassie POV

I was sitting on the hot sand by the water when there was a loud beep and then Mrs. Rowan's face was up in the sky.

"Hello tributes! Today it is Brody birthday." She said.

It is Brody's birthday! We left him on his birthday! I can't believe we did that. But, we also didn't know but still. It has got to suck having celebrate your birthday in the hunger games.

"Brody, since it is your special day, we have a gift for you. We have a backpack with stuff that you need, just for you, near your location." She said, and then she was gone.

I went over to Tama and Tamie and asked them if we could go and find Brody. They said no at first, but i am very stubborn.

when we got to where ever Brody is (I got lost on the way and now I have no idea where we are) he was sitting on a rock and the backpack was still sitting under a tree.

"are you going to get that" I asked him. when he looked up and saw me a big smile showed up on his face. and I admit I smiled too. then he hugged me.

"I want to but, what if there is something that might kill me in the backpack?"

"Well we'll never know if we don't try," I said and put a hand on his shoulder. He reached forward and pulled the bag open, hesitating.

"Well there's a card that says 'happy birthday, SARA! What! That's not my name! We'll whatever um there's a little bottle that says on it, 'drink it's NOT poison at all.' And a..." he said

"And a what?!" I asked desperately

"Cassie, will you forgive me from going a little coco before?" He asked

"Yes of Course I will we all make mistakes!" I exclaimed

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and handed me a rose with the spikes taking off.

"Well I'm flattered but... I have a boyfriend but I think I love you more than him."

"Ya I love you more than your bf too."

"Yay..." That's just a little awkward.


Sorry it took me so long to update but thanks to nat (my cuz) I updated thanks for reading.


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