Ittin and #1 day of training *EM*

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so NO ONE commented ( yet) but I needed to give my 47 READERS another chapter.
well here yo' go.

I saw Ittin over an expansive looking vase.

I almost screamed but Molly put her hand over my mouth. Ariel got up slapped him (which made me try to scream in anger) then said "don't do it again," then she pointed out the door. A very relieved Ittin walked out of the room.

I pulled the plain, black shirt over my head; it's my first day of training also the first day to get to know the other tributes. I finished the outfit by putting my hair into low pigtails and slipped out of my room. I met Ariel and Jack at the elevator, and we went down to the underground floor.

We entered the room, I thought we would be the last ones there but we were the sixth ones there. Ariel left without so much as a, "good luck!". I figured I needed an alliance, I scoped out the room till I came to the perfect people, Bordy Staning and Cassie Demelo.

They are the perfect people! They get along together, they are super strong and in the end they won't be much of a fight they were great! I carefully walked over to them, with my prettiest smile on. I held my hand out and said as politely as I could, "Hi! I'm Tamie!"

They looked a little startled then when the got back from the moon the both shook my hand, each with an surprised yet happy smile. " I know this is sudden but will you two like to be in an alliance?" I asked. Cassie gasped in surprise, and Bordy looked at me funny. i felt dread growing in my stomach I knew they wouldn't pick me, why didn't I just forget about it?

"I would be happy if you joined in the alliance!" Cassie exclaimed. I started jumping up and down hugging Cassie, she started laughing. we started talking and decided to split up, if we split up we Can get all of the activities that way we all will have different skills. I went right to trap making, I have no idea how to make a trap so it would be a smart idea to start there.


we spent the whole day at training. We deicide that we would meet in the hunger games behind Brodey. Me and Jack left the training spot to go for dinner.

I went to my room to get changed, I put on a bright red shirt and a pair of lose jeans. I walked out of my room and sat at the kitchen table. Ariel was the only other person there. we had rosted chicken, hot chocolate, corn, milk, peas and butterscotch pudding. Jack arrived and a blond avox served us. I ate all of the food on my plate including seconds of pudding.

no one specks much during dinner of lunch OR breakfast! I don't think Jack knows why but I do...


sorry I haven't up dated in a while...

but I'm finally getting deeper into the book so ya..

sorry it was short either wait another week or short your choice.



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