Whoops I Love You

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Brody's Pov


Ok let's get this straight I am really mad with myself right now. Ya I'm mad because I chopped off Cassie's leg. It kills me to know I hurt Cassie so much, but if I didn't cut it off it could have got infected or-or, eww nevermind. but anyway there is like 13 of us left when it gwts down to like 7 then we'll split but i'll probubly follow cassie just to make sure she is alright. so Tama and Tamie left to get cassie a crutch well you know they cant just find a crutch they have to make one so they're out finding sticks and water if they can.

so what a more perfect time to tell her. just im way too nerves... but i have too! so here i go-go. "um Cassie," i can fell the sweat on my forhead driping down on to my back making me shiver.

"ya..." she said drifting off, oh she must be tired got to do this qwick.

"do you, l-love anyone," i asked

"i don't know, love is strange, you never know, you can like some body but untill your older, yo-you then learn what love is." she aswerd she sounded like she was 80 years old.

"like love isn't tought at a school you just learn it on your own," i comfermed.

"ya thats right, why?"

"because, i think i learned love,"

"with who?" she said closing her eyes

"with you," i said my heart felt like it was stopping untill she answerd with to little words that mean nothing untill you put them together.

"me too,"


Tamie's POV


brody loves cassie! ok, ok tecniactly it wasn't esdroping i was just comming back form getting sticks with tama and i hear cassie and brody talking and then brody admits his love for her. all the camras were totaly on there every move.

I don't know if Cassie likes him. She has never said that the likes him, she has only ever mention a William. But I do t know much about him. So this must be really awkward for her. But, why did she say yes. I am so confused. Whatever I don't care. Well, I do but, I don't but, I do.


Cassie's POV

I can't believe I said 'me too' I don't even like him. William is going to kill me. Well if I get out alive anyways. William is my boyfriend an he is probably heartbroken right now. So is my dad, he set is up. My dad and Georgette were best friends and Georgette had William and my dad and Georgette set us up and wants us to get married. My stepsister Anita Mop she also likes William. And if I die she will totally jump at the chance to date him.

I opened my eyes and saw Brody holding a bowl full of soup and a another one full of water. In his other hand was my crutches. And he said in a tariffing voice "have some soup my love" I took the soup carefully and took a sip and it tasted really good.

"Made with extra love my love" he said

"Thanks" I replied in a creeped out sort of way. I could see that Tama and Tamie creeped out too.

"Where is our soup" Tama asked.

"You don't get any because your not special like her" Brody said. I could see rage steaming out of Tamie's ears, she does not take insults well.

"Brody, will you please leave. Me and Tamie need to speak to Cassie alone." Tama said

"Your not going to hurt her, right?" Brody asks

"Oh Gosh No! We would never hurt Cassie" Tamie replied. Brody starts to walk away saying "fine! but I'm not happy about it!"

"Listen Cassie, we need to get rid of Brody." Tamie said "He is being rude to us and is giving all the food to you. I haven't eaten in a day. I'm starving."

"Well how are we going to get rid of him?" I asked

"Easy, we send him out to get you food or something and then we pack up all our stuff and leave. We will wash away our foot prints. He will never know where we went." Tama answered.


Brody ran in with a knife in his hand ready to strike. "I told you not to touch her" he screams wildly.

"I'm fine" I said and when he saw me he put his knife down.

"Oh ok. I'm tied so I'm going to bed" Brody said. Me and Tama and Tamie give a thumbs up to each other. Tama starts to put little items in the bag that Brody won't know are missing as I think of a problem that will distract him so we can leave him.

We are soon done packing and I grabbed the price of paper that said 'cut it off' and wrote using blackberries "sorry" and put it on top of part of my ripped pants. Tamie and Tama helped me up and have me my crutches. We hobbled off to the mountain part of the arena.

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