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Hello my readers, if you ever look at how many readers I have its 1.1K!! That's crazy just a year ago me and my cousin decided we were going to each write a book, then look what happened! There is just only one thing I could ask for and that is out of those 1.1K could one, just one of you comment or like. The last chapter I posted I was trying to get you guys more involved and see how that worked out. ost people with this many readers are like: 50 like and 35 comments on each chapter. Me 0 likes 0 comments. 

This book is almost done and no there will not be a sequel because another book is going to be my main focus, so I just want before it ends a few people to like and vote or whatever my book. 

So I'm going to start from square one, 2 like and 1 comment on this or the last chapter or I will not post the next chapter. And I'm pretty sure (or at least I hope) that you guys want to know what happens. So like, vote comment and share

Toodles Aunamonk

ps honestly i'm not going to update, so get voting if you do it will be really long I swear

pps If you need to talk to me honesly msg me, I don't mind I love hearing from you guys it really brights my day :D.

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