When the puzzle is solved

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Cassie's Pov

I clung to Brody sobbing away. My mind is wandering everywhere from Tamie jumping to what I saw when she landed. I heard a cannon and cried louder. I feel a drop of water land on the back of my neck, Brody is crying too. I put my head up high and started walking towards our base.


Tamie's POV

I was being dragged along by Ariel, it was clear tunnel under the arena. When it finally ended there was a bright light, it was so bright I had to instantly close my eyes. A gun wased pressed into my hand, I opened my eyes to see we were in front of a large building. Ariel was already walking through the front door. I ran after her, walking just a step behind her. 

If anyone walked in her way she just shot them. It was heartless and felt wrong to me. I mean I know I was just in the hunger games but still they did nothing to me. She walked up to a double door and opened the one side. She pushed me in and slammed the door shut.

I felt my stomach drop and my knees started to shake. I collapsed on the floor, tears welling up in my eyes. I wasn't crying because of the dead bodies scattering the floor. Or the fact that the door had locked behind me, no. It was two bodies in particular that made me feel sick. Jack's and Brody's.


Cassie's POV 

I laid down on my pillow and felt the pressure and fear sink into me, then the rush of air around my head faster and faster. Trying to force me back up. I opened my eyes to the bright blue sky and birds. Many, many birds. I screamed but my mouth was covered. I tried to feel the ground under me but i just felt air.

I woke up after that.

I pushed my head up breathing deeply. Is that what Tamie felt when she fell? I looked around I saw Brody peacefully leaning on the sand cave. I pushed myself up in a awkward but surprisingly comfy position. I wisper shouted to Brody, "Brody!" 

He glanced over in my direction he smiled like he was only happy when he looked at me. Then there was a low rumble across the sandy dessert. I looked at Brody with a worried face. His eyebrows were scunched together like he was in deep thought. He crawled closer to me.

"Grab some knifes, the backpack and the food on that side," he said gesturing to the right side closest to me," I'll get the rest." He pushed forward with his toes, making him do a backwards summersalt away from me. 

I slid over trying to get together everything I could and keeping my stick or walking stick near me at all times. The rumble got louder making my head shake. He stood up with everthing he could carry in his hand, walked over to me and helped my up. He helped lode me up with everything else making sure I could still easily use my walking stick. 

We took a step out of the cave and insantly the rumbling got sould loud and shakey that the cave colapsed. We saw small figures in the distance and desided to walk away from them. Then we noticed what the rumble was. The arena was geting smaller, the walls were closing in. He kept me in the lead whaching our backs as we made way to the center becouse thats where we were getting hearded.


Hello everyone. Merry (late) Christmas and a Happy new year! A few small things I would like to say. First of all 1,000 readers!!!! YAY!!! Like you guys do not know the happyness and joy going threw me like its so, just so amazing ! I don't even have words!

Second. I'm sorry I havn't updated in like 2 months it just that I don't really like this story anymore. Don't worry I will still write hopefully more then usauly to get this book done ya know.

Lastly FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO DON'T READ AUTHORS NOTE YOU MIGHT WANT TO READ THIS!!! I may kill Brody I may not you guys comment below and say what YOU wan't to happen. I'm going to leave it for atleast a week maybe less. So comment and say what you want.


PS comment, vote, like, share, whatever, unicorns

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