Naib "Warmth"

800 15 5

Requested by: nathemda

I said I would post after my test, but nooooooo... 

I couldn't wait until then--- 

Btw thanks for yall support (made me happy and got 35/39 for geo test :D )

Enjoy nathemda and all my lovely readers ❤️❤️❤️


3rd person pov:

"Get out of HERE!"

"W-what about you?" 

"I need to stay and distract the hunter! I'm full health and I need to at least help (Y/N), (she/he) is kiting the hunter!"

"Wait... but we can settle for a win... Norton is at the other exit gate---"

"No... I... Will... NOT LET (Y/N) GET HURT! GET OUT IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO HELP DUMBASS!" Naib snapped at Kreacher Pierson, the thief shivered in fear and tumbled out of the exit gate while yelling "CRAZY!"...

(y/n)'s pov:

"Don't move I'm coming!" you saw Naib's message...

When he was close enough to hear, you heard him say,

"Let me bodyblock you! I can help!"

"The hunter has detention!!! I can kite very well! I still have perfume left I got from the chest... YOU! Get out---"


The Hastur inched closer, Naib bodyblocked you and pushed you towards the exit gate, he threw his elbow pads at you as the Hastur used his tentacles and wrapped around Naib, lifting him off the ground and squeezing him hardly... you looked back at Naib and saw a drip of blood gliding down the corner of his mouth... heartbroken, you can't stop yourself from turning back and attempting to save him... as you watch him faint into the arms of the Feaster and detention is still on for about 100 seconds, you panicked and wished you haven't used your tide turner... because there is a huge risk... 

"Get... ou--- out..." Naib muttered softly,

you blinked back tears and rushed out of the exit gate when the Feaster teleported.

Back at the manor, you found Naib resting in the infirmary,

You shyly glanced at him, your eyes are puffy from crying, you tumbled and played with your fingers while using your other hand to swing a basket of treats...

"Ff-feeling better... Naib?"


"Why... why did you need to save me? I could have... found the dungeon or something... why didn't you escape? Why risk yourself? What if you were unable to---"

"BECAUSE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GET HURT!!! You are the only person I've known before I came to the manor and... I don't want my LOVER... to get hurt..." 

You blinked back tears, this was a side of Naib you haven't seen before... 

"L-Lover?" you muttered and began to blush slightly...

"And... A-also... you're the new survivor... it would be bad if you got injured on your first match... right?"

You stared at the ground and mumbled something, you placed your basket of treats on the table next to him and rushed out of the infirmary...

At night, you rolled and twirled on the bed, your heart kept on thumping, your mind reminded you of Naib's painful expression back in the match, you sighed and trotted towards the kitchen to grab something to eat or drink...

The light was on however and you saw Naib inside, you hid behind the door and heard a silent crying... Naib was holding onto some photos... and he was crying...

You couldn't help but cry yourself too...

who wouldn't cry when they see their love of their life cry?

You recalled that when Naib first joined the East India Company and was a soldier, you were just a young backup surgeon at the time, he helped shelter bullets and rescued you from an exploding bank robbed by terrorists...

You had a developed a love for him after seeing him rescue more and more people...

and the both of you became close friends and you helped deal with his injuries...

After many years, you bumped into him, found out he was doing dirty work and killing off targets... both of you went your separate ways...

but fate brought you two back together... in this magical manor...

Recently... you found out his past... a past he regretted...

You quietly sniffed and shivered, when you looked back into the kitchen, Naib was gone.

"Wah---???" you whispered.

Naib poked your back and you turned around, spotting him made you jump and went into panic mode...

"I... Um... Just... want to sneak some snacks... ya... want some too?" you stammered...

"You saw me..."

"No, I just arrived---"

Naib reached out his hand wiped your tears, you looked at him, your tears didn't stop, it kept flowing down and dripping onto Naib's soft palm...

You sighed tiredly and nuzzled your face against his hand...

He looked at you and said,

"If you keep crying like that, your eyes would get sore..."

You looked up at him and said,

"You... cried... and it made me feel bad too..."

He blushed and used a cough to cover it, 

"N-No... I didn't... it was just uh... spilled some water and..."

"You look so cute when you're blushing," you teased and poked his cheeks...

"H-hey!" Naib blushed crazilly and ran up to you, wrapping his hands tight around you,

"(y/n)... I... I like you... a lot... and I don't like seeing you cry... you don't look cute when you cry..."

You snickered as his confession... 

"I like you a lot too! So don't cry and open up to me... Naib..."

Naib looked at you and you looked back... both of you gently threw arms around each other, wrapping and embracing within each others warmth...

"Thank you... for making me feel... warmth and safety for once..." Naib said quietly,

You patted his head and it made you picture him as a crying child, you hummed a soft lullaby and whispered,

"Thank you  for making everyone in this manor feel safe..."

and the both of you hugged each other and fell asleep while hugging on the floor...

"The end of dis stowwy,"

Hope you liked this fluff nathemda

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