"One More!" Aesop fluff

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[In an alternate universe where (y/n) and Aesop go to seperate schools but are in a relationship]

(y/n)'s pov:

As you watched the girls from your volleyball team play, you made sure they weren't slacking off, as the wing spiker and captain, after practicing lots, you sat aside to watch your teammates play, smiling at how some of them had improved. Encouraging those who had no confidence, you gave short motivational talks to those individuals, making them feel stronger before each game...

Today there was only 10 teammates who came to practice, others have other things to do.

You chose to join with the first years, who still doesn't have a good knowledge in receiving nor spiking... You helped them by coaching them in the process...

"Nice toss! Nice effort! Well done everyone!"

Everyone stopped the game once someone loses their stamina.

"Take a short break everyone! I'm going to the vending machine to buy some milk!"

you grinned,

everyone looked at you and smiled warmly...

As you walked out the gym, you felt if someone was watching you, but you wasn't sure who.

So you formed a plan in your head...

You ran up to the dormitories and hid in one random room with quick speed,

you heard footsteps on the metal stairs...

"Where did she go? She was just here---"


You flung the door open,

the person gasped and tried to squirm away...

"Oi! WHO ARE YOU!" you yelled while grabbing the person and yanking their shirt...

The unknown person leaped back.

It's definitely a boy...

With a strong bicep... its a boy...

You saw sunglasses... 

a cap...

clenching on a school bag tightly...

"Ah... Aesop... you sneaked here to see me..."

"EEK! How did you---?"

"Is that suppose to be a disguise???"

"I just... didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble... here... your favourite milk..."

You smiled as his kindness...

"I thought you were a stalker, cuz you acted like one..."

"I... did? Oh my, sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry,"

"Stop," you held your hand in front of your face.

"I need to head back and you should come watch us play, I'll introduce my team to you!"

"AHH! No! What if they think I'm awkard... or weird?"

You ignored him and just dragged him into the gym...

After a short introduction, Aesop watched you play...

You scored points and points...

"ALL RIGHT, SET POINTS! 1 point left!! Let's get it!!!" you said to your first years,

"Let's take this point..."

The match went on intensely, you desperately spike balls into the enemies court but your third year best friend kept on blocking your balls, good thing an energetic first year libro kept the ball not falling onto your side of the court... after a moment of thinking, you finally spiked strong enough which broke through three blockers and help win the final set for your side of the team...

"YESSS!!!" you cheered along with your first years...

"Well done!" Aesop beamed while clapping his hands...

You flashed a cheerful smile back at him, he looked down onto his feet, toying with his fingers..

blushing so cutely...

you grabbed a milk carton Aesop brought you and sat next to him...

"Wanna join?" you asked,

"M-MM-Me?!" he gasped loudly,

everyone looked at him...

He jumped back and shivered behind you...

all the girls on your team are tall...

and Aesop felt small around them,

you laughed and ruffled his hair...

"It's your choice... if you don't want to---"

"I'll join!" he said while quaking...

"Let's play on the same team then... you know the rules right?"

"Yes (y/n)... you told me over and over again before... I just... never really get to play against your team... I did practice however..."

"Which role do you prefer?"

"Setter..." Aesop mumbled,

Just as you thought,

a setter should be---

calm and collected,

straightforward and emotionally strong...

Your team's setter went to the bench to observe Aesop's play...

You are excited... excited to stand on the same court as him...

even though he is not a girl, he has no power in his serves, spikes...

you know his spirit makes every other bad thing disappear...

"Toss to me Aesop!"


It's the first time he has tossed to you...

It's the perfect height...

the perfect speed...

the perfect spin and rotation...

As your hand hit it and it landed on the other side of the court...

it helped scored a point...

you felt more connected to Aesop...

"That... was AWESOME! You're so great!!!" you praised Aesop over and over again.

"It stopped at the perfect height, speed and rotation! You're brilliant Aesop! How did you know?!"

"I watched you guys play... I spectated your preferable vertical jump height, where your hand can peak to reach, which speed you prefer, which rotations are best..."

You blushed at how much Aesop learnt by watching and setted a perfect toss just for you...

You rushed over and hugged him...

"it's the best toss I had ever scored with..." you whispered quietly under your breath...

As the both of you broke away from the hug...

"One more nice toss... 

One More!

Mou Ippon Aesop!

One More!"

(yes im a Haikyuu fan it's sorta based on the quote One More!)

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