Chapter 1

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AN: Ban is an oc, not Ban from 7DS. Although the comments do make me laugh.

Once long ago in the Kouka Kingdom, the second princess y/n was born. She was about a year younger then her sister Yona who was the heir to the throne. Yona had crimson red hair, completely different from y/n's h/c hair. It was hard to tell they were even sisters since they we polar opposites in personality and looks.

Soon after y/n's birth, the princesses lost their mother to an assassin. The king knew he needed to protect his daughters, he decided they should be sheltered from the outside world. Yona wasn't aloud to go outside the castle grounds and y/n got a similar treatment, but more harsh. The king believed y/n was a serious target to assassins after the passing of his wife. Therefore y/n was kept secret from the kingdom, the only people to no who she was were her family and castle staff.

This is when the princesses' grew their personalities. Yona stayed close to the castle and became the king's favorite child. Yona was spoiled with anything she could ever want while y/n found happiness in other ways.

Y/n wanted to learn how to fight and defend herself. This was further cemented when y/n was assigned her body guard, Ban. He was there to train her in all types of weaponry, much to Yona's bodyguard's dismay. Hak was in charge of taking care of Yona and didn't want her to get hurt. She was innocent to him and he wanted to keep it that way.

The princesses despite their differences were very close to one another. They enjoyed typical princess things together like tea, practicing art, and clothes. They also enjoyed talking about boys.

It was morning and the two girls were spending some time together. On top of Yona's bed the girls were giggling and laughing together. Today was Yona's birthday and she was turning sixteen while y/n's birthday was in the next six months.

"Who?" Yona asked quietly in case their bodyguards were eavesdropping outside. The girls were discussing crushes they had and Yona wanted to hear what her sister had to say.

"Ban." Y/n said in a slight whisper. Yona squealed at her sister. Ban was y/n's personal bodyguard, he was assigned to her at 12 years old and had been friends forever.

"No no goodness no. You can't, father would never approve."

"I know but I love him."

"Love is a very strong word don't use it lightly."

A knock was on the door.

"Princess your boyfriend is here." Hak said through the door. Hak was Yona's bodyguard and their relationship was a bit more complicated. Hak was a big jokester which lead to Yona's getting mad at him all the time. He was also the Wind's Clan's general.

"Huh" Y/n said confused before her sister jumped off the bed.

"Soo-won!" She yelled as she rushed out of the room. Hak just shook his head.

"What was that?" Y/n asked Hak. Ban poked his head through the door before coming in.

"Your sister seems to have developed a crush on Soo-won. I couldn't imagine why." Hak sighed. Y/n made a gagging face. Ban walked up to his princess in order to talk to her.

"Y/n we must get you ready." Ban said close to you.

"For what?"

"Your sister's birthday celebration."

"I can't go remember? It's a kingdom banquet, father said I'm not to go." Y/n said sadly. She knew she wasn't known by the kingdom, according to them she didn't exist. Her father said it was for her safety but she wanted to be seen.

"In that case, how about we train?" Ban suggested. Y/n looked up at him.

"Yeah I'd like that."

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