Chapter 24

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The next day the crew set off but this time with a new member. With Jae-ha joining the group there were a total of seven people in this crew. As they continued walking  to their next destination y/n felt her body pull her towards something in the distance. Sinha as well as the other two dragons had the same feeling.

"Do you feel that?" Y/n asked out loud and the other dragons nodded.

"He's close." Sinha said.

"Who?" Yona asked.

"The yellow dragon... he's headed straight for us." Gija said.

"It's like he actually wants to come here willingly."

A short long blonde haired boy came into sight. Once he saw the other three dragons he smiled at them before he fell.

"Oh no." Yona yelled and ran towards him.

"Oh, so he's clumsy." Hak commented and y/n coughed trying not to laugh. Yun whacked him over the head for being rude.

"Are you alright?" Yona held out her hand to help him off the floor.

"I'm fine, you're the one I've been searching for."

"Me?" Yona asked. Y/n came to her side to hear the conversation.

"Yes you are the red dragon reincarnated, of course I've been searching for you. What's your name?"

"I'm princess Yona and this is my sister princess y/n. There's Hak, Yun, Gija Sinha, and Jae-ha." Yona pointed out each of the boys standing behind her.

"Princesses? It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"And you are?" Yona asked, trying to get his name.

"Zeno." He smiled. It was so bright, almost like the sun.

"So you said you've been searching for us. Does that mean that you would be willing to join us?" Yona asked with total shock.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Y/n and Yun were surprised at how easy that was.


Four dragons. Yona had finally found all of the dragon warriors. The first part of her mission was a success; she had her team to take back her kingdom. Excitement shook through her body as she realized what they accomplished.

"We have a nice little family here don't you think?" Yona said as she caught up to her sister and put her head on y/n's shoulder.

"Yes, I do. We are a powerful family at that." Y/n set her head on Yona's and she let out a sigh.

"Do you think we can pull this off? You know, like take back the kingdom?" Yona whispered so only y/n could hear. Y/n only smiled and squeezed her sister's hand tightly. Y/n thought for a second, was this team of friends enough to take down Soo-won? Yes. They had Hak, the legendary lightning beast who was the strongest warrior in the kingdom. Yun had a genius mind and could create anything. Then the four dragon warriors of legend, each with their own set of skills, were fantastic fighters. Y/n thought of herself, a skilled fighter and honorary warrior with a royal past. Even her sister, Yona, was the red dragon reincarnated. She had grown so much from when they left the castle. Together the 8 of them could do anything.

"You are the red dragon after all. I know we'll be able to take back the kingdom."

The End


The crew set up camp for the night. With their new body to the group there wasn't enough space in the tents. Where all the dragons, plus Yun, were staying it could fit four, Hak and Yona had a tent to themselves, and y/n had a small one to herself. The issue quickly turned into an argument between the group.

"I can sleep with Yona and kick Hak out and someone can take my tent." Y/n suggested. The other dragons and Yun started laughing at Hak's red face.

"What? You're not kicking me out in the cold." Hak yelled at her and y/n shrugged.

"Y/n, you can share a tent with Sinha. Then there will be enough room for Zeno if Sinha goes in there" Yona winked and y/n's eyes widened.

The camp was set up and the small tents were set up. Y/n was thoroughly embarrassed by Hak's comments and gestures about her rooming with Sinha. The others would smack him if they caught Hak acting stupid but Sinha hadn't noticed. The group turned in for the night and y/n was finally alone with the blue dragon.

"You don't have to wear it when we are alone." She said but he was silent as always. She didn't know how to take his non-verbal communication so she slowly placed her hands on his mask. He flinched at the contact before she stopped.

"I can stop if you want." She suggested but he shook his head. Y/n continued and lifted the mask off his face. Looking at his face he had his eyes held shut.

"Sinha, open your eyes." She laughed.

"You won't hurt me, you know. Your ability is so uniquely special and you don't have to be afraid of it."

"I've hurt a lot of people in my past. All the other dragon's abilities are useful-"

"Stop that. Your eyes are beautiful and your powers are useful." He opened his eyes and y/n finally got to stare into his yellow orbs.

"You really don't see how beautiful you truly are." She smiled at him. She was still staring in his eyes, she couldn't look away.

"Without that mask I can actually see your gorgeous face." He smiled, placing a hand on her cheek which quickly turned red.

"You flatter me too much, I love you."

"I love you too."

Author's note

Thank you Thank you Thank you for being a part of this fanfic with me. I really loved the Yona of the Dawn series and wanted to give it some love. To those who stuck through the long wait, I really hope it was worth it. I'm sorry writer's block stopped me from finishing this but I really hope you've enjoyed reading. Thank you for all the sweet comments and the votes, they seriously motivate me to keep going.

Thank you again for everything <3

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