Chapter 5

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The Mundeok was at the gate of the village to say good bye to the group.

"With you leaving I feel like I'm losing another grandchild." The Mun-deok said sadly to Yona. Y/n watched on the side with Ban. She and Yona both were given cloaks to hide their identities. Y/n felt her having to wear it was unnecessary but wore it anyway.

Once they finished their goodbyes the group was off.

What the group didn't know was the Fire Clan had heard that a red haired girl was seen around the Wind Clan. Gang Tae-jun, general of the Fire Clan had sent tropes to find the fugitives.

The group was traveling along the Mountains. Hak's grandfather told them about an oracle who lived somewhere in the land of the Wind. The oracle was to help them on their journey.

"So we don't know where this guy is?" Ban deadpanned.

"It is said he lives somewhere secluded from people." Hak said.

"That definitely describes this place." Yona said.

"Ban? Do you feel that?" Y/n said. Hak looked at her then put his hand on the ground, Ban did the same. Hak grabbed Yona and pinned her to a mountain side. Ban took Y/n hand as they backed themselves onto the mountain.

"Hak! What the-"

"Shhhhh. I feel footsteps." Hak whispered.

"I hear about 60 maybe more." Ban said and Hak nodded in agreement.

"There's way too many for them to be scouts." Y/n said.

The group walked a little more on the path to find a whole lot of soldiers from the Fire Clan waiting for then. Hak and Ban weren't intimidated but the group they instead smirked at them.

"It's been a while hasn't it Ban?"

"Yes it has."

"Princesses stay close this could get messy." Hak said.

Soldiers from all directions came at Ban and Hak. With their strengths combined they were easy to take down. Hak's nickname was the 'lightning beast' and he was fast with any sword or staff.

A man came face to face with the group. It was Gang tae-jun.

"I've been waiting for you Princess Yona and Hak." He said then looked over at y/n and Ban and looked confused. He didn't know who they were and that was a good thing in y/n's eyes.

"I've been waiting a long time-" Gang tae-jun started a small speech but Hak really didn't are. Ban looked over at y/n who was just as confused. Once Gang tae-jun no one was listening he demanded that he was going to take Yona back to the castle.

"Yeah not gonna happen." Hak said.

Soldier were struck by Hak staff. Arrows couldn't even reach him before breaking. There were so many soldiers that Hak was slightly overwhelmed. Just slightly.

"Ban follow me." Hak said as he grabbed Yona and jumped up the mountain from ledge to ledge. Ban followed him with y/n in his arms. She wasn't scared only adrenaline ran through her body during the battle. She was itching to fight as well but with Ban protecting she was safe.

The group made it to a ledge but continuing to run. Yona slipped on a broken arrow and fell to the ground. In that moment a soldier tried to shoot her but Hak got to her first. He shield Yon with his own body and the arrow went into his back.

"Hak!" Yona said worried.

"Hak you are losing too much blood." Ban called out as they tried to escape the tropes completely.

"Oh shut it Ban. Worry about keeping up me instead of my injuries." Hak snapped back.

The men found a small place for the princesses to hide for the time being. Hak told them to stay put. Ban said he'd go around the top of the mountain to take out some archers. The princess were there debating whether or not to stay or help. Y/n knew she could fight, she could be useful in this situation but didn't want to leave Yona alone.

"Y/n. I know what I need to do. Please let me do it." Yona said before running out of the hiding spot.

"What. Yona no!"

Yona herself went to Gang tae-jun and spoke with him. Y/n stayed in the shadows incase her sister needed hide. They were alone just Yona and Gang tae-jun talking. There was a fire in Yona's eyes that was striking fear into Gang tae-jun.

Ban was on the mountain ledge below Hak trying to hold his own but he was still injured. He was loosing too much blood and poison had managed to enter his bloodstream. His fighting became sloppy and he was close to the edge of the cliff. Another strike from a soldier hit him and he was over the edge. He held on with one hand.

Yona knew she had to help him so she ran. Before she could go Gang tae-jun grabbed her long crimson hair.

"You're no going anywhere princess. Hak will die and you are coming back to the castle with-" Gang tae-jun was about to finish his sentence but Yona grabbed his sword and slided of her long locks. He fell to the floor and Yona sprinted to Hak. She did her best to fend off the soldiers trying to push him off the cliff.

Y/n had her chance with Gang tae-jun now as she stood in front of him. She pionted her sword at his throat.

"Gang tae-jun of the Fire Clan!" She yelled. "Do you have a death wish?

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