Chapter 17

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"We are all going into town today." Hak announced to the group the next morning. After he got wrapped up with the green dragon warrior he forgot about the actual reason he went into town in the first place. All he wanted was to forget his day with the weirdo he met.

"Only thanks to your failure to buy anything yesterday!" Yun whacked him on the head. Y/n rolled her eyes at him and helped Sinha pack up the group's supplies.

"Ouch listen I'm sorry. I ran into some trouble yesterday because this town has some crazy security. They are on the lookout for pirates." Hak warned.

"Pirates?" Sinha questioned.

"Yes apparently this town is full of corrupt officers, they're all scumbags from what I can tell. The pirates are the only righteous people here, they actually protect the people here."

"And how do you know so much about the town?" Y/n asked him with raised eyebrows.

"Um I met this guy- a local. He showed me around a bit yesterday." Hak explained but tried to change the topic.

The group walked into town together looking for supplies and information on the green dragon. Sinha got some weird looks thanks to his mask but it didn't bother him. Yona still had her hood over her hair to hide her identity with Hak protectively next to her. Y/n started to wander Awa from the group and went over to a wall filled with poster that held information. One piece of paper catch her eye, it was a wanted poster for Hak staring right in front of her.

"Y/n you can't run off." Hak said coming up behind her

"Hak what the hell is this?" Y/n asked Hak pointing to the piece of paper.

"Listen, don't tell your sister but I met this guy yesterday, I didn't catch his name. We beat up some officers" He said, ripping the piece of paper off the wall and crushing it up.

"Don't tell me what?" Yona said as she appeared behind y/n and Hak. Y/n

"Oh um Hak found a lady of night yesterday." Y/n said coming up with a lie.

"That was a lame excuse." Hak rumbled quietly enough so Yona couldn't hear.

"Then next time come up with something better." Y/n glared at her sister's body guard.

"What's a lady of the night?" Yona asked innocently. Y/n gave her a confused look before laughing.

"No one- hey how about we get some food?" Hak suggested and the two princesses agreed. The group went over to a small restaurant and got lunch. There the group met the owner who explained how the town of Awa was plagued by a man named Yung Keum-ji who controlled the ports of Awa. The group learned he was a dangerous man with his illegal businesses and his connections to the officers of the town.

"Y/n where are you going?" Yona asked when her younger sister stood up from the table.

"I'll just going to look around, maybe I'll find the Green Dragon. I'll be right back." Y/n winked before she snuck away. She walked through Awa following her senses to find the Green Dragon Warrior. She blindly followed them then turned a corner and bumped into two men.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She apologized. When she looked at the men's faces they had a sinister smirk on them. They pulled her into the alleyway away from public eyes. Y/n was thrown off guard at the officers sudden action, and one of them had actually managed to restrain her. Not that it mattered if any one said because the villagers in this town were scared of the officers to act.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay quiet." The officer holding y/n said in a low voice in her ear.

"You're such a beauty, it would be a shame if we had to ruin that pretty face of yours." The other said, caressing her cheek. Y/n mental cursed herself for getting trapped with these two men. She quickly tried to think of a solution to get help.

Suddenly a green haired man jumped down from the rooftops and kicked the man in the face. The other man who was still holding onto y/n looked in shock at the sudden disturbance. With one officer on the ground the other man let go of y/n to try and attack the green haired man. However his attempt failed with him getting kicked in the face just like his fellow officer.

"Who the hell are you?" Y/n said to the man in front of her before her senses kicked in. The man was actually the Green Dragon Warrior.

"Hello beautiful." The man said, taking a hold of y/n's hands in a flirty manner.

"I- ummm."

"I know, you don't have to thank me." He said with pure confidence.

"You ar-" Y/n said before she was so rudely interrupted by the man once again. If her senses were right then he was the green dragon who had powers in his leg. It all made sense why he was so fast and didn't hold still for a second.

"Yes I am the one who saved you, I'm Jeaha by the way." He introduced himself.

"I could have handled myself, thank you."

"Come on." Jeaha said and he picked up y/n bridal style. Due to all the commotion he caused other Awa officers started to arrive at the scene.

"Hey put me down!" Y/n yelled in protest.

"It's not safe for you here, I'm taking you back to my ship." Jeaha said before he jumped out of the alleyway onto the nearest rooftop. Now that the officers had seen y/n's face Jeaha knew he couldn't leave her with them. He jumped towards the sea to bring y/n to his captain.

Sinha jerked his head over to the window, he felt something was wrong. The green dragon's presence was close then it disappeared once again.

"Where's y/n? She's been gone for too long." Sinha said out loud and everyone stopped. None of them had realized that she had been missing for quite some time now. Sinha stood up from his seat and ran outside. He wondered where y/n had gone.

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