Chapter 13

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The group continued on their way to find the blue dragon's village. Thanks to Gija and y/n they could sense the direction of the blue dragon himself. The group had fully had accepted Gija to the team. He proved himself to be a formidable warrior, although he did constantly complain about the travel. Yona continued her training on a bow as Hak and y/n taught her ways to improve.

"Is this the place?" Hak asked.

"Yes." Y/n and Gija both responded.

The group entered a cave. The villagers came closer, some wore masks while others didn't.

"Who are these people? What do they want?" Whispers were heard. A man emerged from the crowd, it was this village's chief. Y/n didn't know what to tell.

"Give us the blue dragon at once." Gija said. Y/n looked at him in disbelief.

"Wow don't beat around the bush Gija." Yun said.

"There is no blue dragon here." The chief said.

"What? He's here I-"

"Please forgive us we don't want to cause trouble. We are only looking for a friend of ours. We must be in the wrong place." Yona said looking down. Y/n watched the village chief carefully, he wasn't being truthful and she could tell.

"Um however we are terrible exhausted from our journey and need rest. One of us is injured after all." Y/n said in a sweet voice, pointing to Hak. The group understood what she was trying to do and played along.

"Well we don't have much. We can provide shelter for the night, then leave at dawn."

"Thank you."

The village chief showed the group where they would be staying for the night. Y/n wasn't listening to the conversation Yona was having with the chief about the villages tradition of wearing masks. She looked at Gija, she knew he could feel it too. The blue dragon was in fact here, she could feel it. She couldn't figure out why the village chief was lying to them, she knew it wasn't for a good reason either.

The village chief lead them to a "room" in the cave side. A blanket covered the front in a door like fashion to give them privacy. The village chief explained that the cave was a giant maze and that the group would be better off not leaving the room for the night, unless they want to get lost. Hak knew this was just a tactic to ensure that they wouldn't do anything suspicious without the villagers knowing.

"Are we sure this is the blue dragon village?" Yun asked

"It has to be." Y/n said.

"Gija why do you look so down?" Yona asked.

"I know you're right y/n. He's here." Gija said.

"Think about it. This village didn't react to Yonah like Gija's did. We meant not actually be in the right place." Yun said.

"I believe in y/n and Gija ability." Yona said.

"I would doubt his ability." Hak said.

Gija look at Hak offended then started going after him with his dragon claw.

"I say we stay here for the night. We can always look for them in the morning. It has been a long day. And I would prefer not to get lost in this caves" Y/n suggested.

"Good idea y/n." Yun said. The group laid out sleeping gear and went to sleep.

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