Chapter 18

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While the group was franticly looking for y/n, she was currently in the arms of a complete stranger who she knew was the green dragon warrior. He quite literally swept her off her feet and was taking her to who knows where.

"Where are you taking me? Put me down." She said. She wasn't a fan of  heights and didn't want to be in this random man's arms.

"Nonsense I'm taking you back to my captain's ship. You're our newest recruit." Jeaha pronounced happily.

"What? New recruit?" Y/n questioned.

"Yes I can see it, you've got a fighting spirit and you should join my crew."

"Thanks but no thanks I'm already apart of a crew." Y/n protest. Although her group of misfits wasn't really a "crew" but they were like a family. She wasn't willing to leave her sister or Sinha for this stranger. "You need to take me back to my friends right now Green Dragon." Y/n yelled at him, finally having enough.

"How did you know that?" Jaeha stopped in his tracks at y/n's words. He was thrown off by the fact y/n knew his secret. Jaeha jumped into a hidden alleyway and placed her down on the floor before jumping back away from her.

"Who are you? How do you know how am?" He questioned the princess. Jaeha's attitude became hostile because of the information she knew. She was about to answer him when a figure ran up from behind and hugged her figure. It was Sinha, he used his power of sight to locate her and Jaeha.

"Sinha?" Y/n said with a sigh of relief in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Sinha asked and she nodded before she looked up towards his eyes. They held the intent of murder as his eyes pierced into Jaeha soul. Sinha vowed not to use his power but to protect y/n he was willing to risk it.

"Back off." Sinha growled at Jaeha who still stood a defensive stance. Sinha was unsure if Jaeha had harm y/n in anyway.

"You've finally come for me, Blue Dragon Warror?" Jaeha laughed at Sinha after realizing he was the Blue Dragon Warrior. Quickly the rest of the group made it to the alleyway and witnessed what was going on. Gija's eyes widen when he saw the Green Dragon who he'd been hurting.

"Who are you and why did you take my sister?" A voice yelled behind Sinha and y/n, it was Yona. Jaeha locked eyes with her and his body began to fail him. His blood began to become overwhelmingly hot before someone spoke to him.

"From this day forward, you shall act as our avatars. We have granted you our power so that you may protect the Crimson Dragon. It is your duty to defend him with your lives." The voice said. It was a similar to the one y/n had heard before. It was the dragon's giving the current dragon warriors their instruction. Jaeha wanted to run from Yona, the master he didn't want to serve but something was stopping him.

Yona walked up to Jaeha and placed a hand on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"I am now fare lady, thank you." He said. The tension finally died down

"Sinha I'm okay. You don't have to keep holding on to me." Y/n informed Sinha. He didn't say anything, only shook his head and continued to hold onto her. She smiled an leaned in his body a little more.

"I was going to ask him and her to join my crew. I could use people like that aboard." Jaeha said pointing at y/n and Hak.

"He's the weird guy you met the other day?" Y/n questioned in surprised and Hak nodded.

"I've always dreaded this moment, but here we are. I have no interest in becoming your slave, no offence to you." Jaeha continued.

"None taken. But Gija and Sinha do not serve me, I've asked them for their help and they came willingly. I can't force you to join us, thank you for your time. Although I have spoken to the people of Awa and I want to help. You are the ones fighting Lord Yung Keum-ji and I want to help. We have a common enemy let us help you." Yona said with passion laced in her voice. Yona had seen Yung Keum-ji's officers kill a child and all she wanted as to stop it. If fighting Yung Keum-ji was the only way to do it, so be it.

"I'll tell you what, come to our ship tomorrow and I'll see what I can do." Geaha said before jumping away leaving the group alone.

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