Chapter 10

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The group had been traveling for about two day. Y/n knew they were close to the village, she could feel it. They walked through a dense forest unbothered until a huge fog appeared to form around them. It was so thick that it was hard to see. Y/n pulled Yun behind her in case of any danger.

"What is this?" Yona asked as she continued to walk.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this. Hak what do you-" Y/n was going to ask him something but he was gone.

"Yona?" She called out, hoping for some kind of answer. Hak and Yona were gone and Y/n hoped it was only because of the fog.

"This doesn't look good." Yun said. Y/n nodded in agreement and pulled out her sword.

"You're not planning to use that are you?" Yun asked nervously.

"Yun shush. Unlike Yona I know how to use a weapon." Y/n said before a arrow skid past her face.

"Depart this place immediately and do not return." A mysterious voice said in the distance.

"Who are you?" Y/n called out.

"Depart this place immediately and do not return." The voice repeated.

"I'm looking for my sister, once I find her we will leave." Y/n said hoping it would calm the angry voice. Another arrow came toward her but she quickly more herself and Yun out of the way.

"Your fates are sealed. You will suffer the wrath and punishment of this village." The voice said before Yun was grabbed behind Y/n.

"Yun!" Y/n said before she was shot in the arm with an arrow. Y/n dropped her sword and pulled the arrow out of her arm. Men soon restrain both her and Yun before she went unconscious.


Y/n woke up in a steel cage next to Yun. She was laying down before sitting up to address Yun.

"Y/n are you okay?" Yun asked. Y/n was about to say yes when her arm started to throb.


"That looks bad. I can't treat it they took all my supplies." Yun sighed. He continued to examine the wound and saw she needed medical attention.

"Where's Yona and Hak?"

"I don't know" Yun said. Y/n got very angry and started kicking the cage bars. Y/n began to panic if something happened to Yona and Hak.

"Hey where's my sister you stupid people. She was in that forest with me and you shot me. You didn't even wrap it. I swear to the gods if I bleed out!" She yelled.

"Quiet!" The village chief said as he toured around some very familiar looking people.

"Y/n?" Yona said when she noticed her sister and Yun in a cage.

"Yona? What the hell!" Y/n screamed.

"You two were being toured around the village we'll we've been caged and injured!" Yun yelled.

The village chief released y/n and Yun for being guest of the crimson dragon. Y/n was treated for her wound and the group continued on their way in this strange village. Hopefully they would find what they were searching for.

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