Chapter 19

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The next morning the Happy Hungry Bunch were standing on a pirate ship. In front of them was the ship's captain, Jaeha, and the crew. There was an awkward tension between the groups as they kept sizing each other up. The ship's crew was made up of people from the village, they weren't trained soldiers. Instead they were more like volunteers fighting for the cause to liberate the town of Awa.

"I assume you're the captain of the ship." Yona said, giving a smile.

"Yep that's me, I'm Captain Gi-Gan. So Jaeha tells me you want to help us out."


"You guys are a lively crew, but you. What about you? What's under the mask?" Gi-Gan asked Sinha who remained silent. She walked over to him with a curious look. Sinha tensed up behind y/n and she had a bad feeling about it.

"Come now let me see." She said before she plucked the mask right off his face. Sinha immediately covered his face with his hands.

"Hey you shouldn't harass the man with major trust issues." Yun said to Gi-Gan. After Yun said that her mood changed.

"Listen, I don't need some sissy onboard who won't show his face." She said sternly before she dropped the mask on the floor in front of y/n.

'Well that was harsh.' Y/n thought as she picked it up and handed it back to Sinha. He muttered a small thank you.

"You need man power don't you captain? Give us a shot." Hak said with his normal smug attitude.

"I'll consider it if you can be every one of these dumbasses." Soon Hak, Gija, Sinha were surrounded by all the men on the ship.

"Well this will be fun." Y/n smiled, pulling out her sword.

"Not you! I have something else in mind for the girls." Y/n rolled her eyes and put her sword back in the sheath. In a few moments Hak, Gija, and Sinha had beaten up all of the members of the crew. Y/n, Yona, and Yun weren't the least bit surprised. Jaeha liked the power that was being displayed in front of him.

"Alright you three pass."

"Alright!" Yona said, celebrating prematurely. Gi-Gan walked over to y/n, Yona, and Yun who were at the side of the ship.

"Don't celebrate yet missy. Tell me what skills can you three bring to my crew?"

"Well I don't believe in violence so I won't fight but I can do just about anything yet. I know how to cook, sew, hunt, and make herbal medicine. I know how to make explosives and I'm gorgeous." Yun said and y/n held in a laugh.

"Now bad, what about you?" She turned to y/n.

"I'm trained like a soldier. I'm mainly a swordsman but I know hand to hand combat, archery, and more." She said with confidence. Gi-Gan only nodded before turning to Yona.

"And you?"

"I have skills but they're not as practical as the others."

"So you're useless? The last thing I need is a little girl getting in the way." Gi-Gan said and y/n noted her harshness once again.

"I will fight, and I'll do it alone." Gi-Gan could see the fire in Yona's eyes.

"Fine, if you can prove you're willing to risk your life for our cause, then you can stay. But if you can't cut it you're off my ship."

"Yes ma'am."

"You! I also have a test for you. If you can hold your own with Jaeha then you can stay." Gi-Gan said pointing to y/n. Y/n nodded before looking at Jaeha who wore a smirk, he clearly underestimated her abilities.

"I would go easy on you just because you are a pretty young lady."

"Wasn't planning on it." She said before pulling out her sword.

Jaeha used his leg to rush towards her and threw his leg up to kick her. She quickly blocked it with her sword and Jaeha's eyes widen. No one had ever been prepared for one of his kicks but this girl in front of him was. Y/n didn't have special powers like the dragon warrior so she had to relieve on her years of training with Ban. Jaeha thought this would be an easy win but y/n was proving him wrong. He went to kick her legs with his dragon one, but he failed once again. Y/n was proving that she was on the same level as a dragon warrior. The two went back and forward for a while before the captain had enough.

"Enough! It seems you are strong enough for this crew. Now onto the red haired girl." Gi-Gan announced before walking over to Yona.

"I wanted to apologize to you for my behavior the other day. I feel we got off on the wrong foot." Jaeha said when he walked over to her. He was incredibly impressed by y/n's skills.

"Jaeha don't worry about it." She smiled putting her sword back to her side

"I'm glad to have you on board. Now I guess all we have to worry about is your sister. Her mission won't be easy."

"Where is she going?" Y/n questioned.

"The Cape of No Return."

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