Chapter 14

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The group was currently sleeping peacefully inside their cave while Y/n was was tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep, something was keeping her up, and it was a vision.

She felt something pulling her. She saw herself traveling down a cave pathway until she made it to a dead end. Soon a cave wall opened to reveal a secret tunnel, inside was a person. She could only see his back, he was facing away from her.

"Hello?" She asked the figure softly.

He turned around to face her but his face was covered in shadows. His eyes shot open revealing bright golden eyes.

Y/n gasped and shot up from her sleeping position. She looked around incase she woke up anyone. To her surprise Yona, Hak, Yun, and Gija were all soundly sleeping. Y/n wanted to know what that dream meant, she poked her head out of the cave and no one was there. She looked back at her sister worried, but y/n knew she'd be back before Yona woke up.

Y/n quickly followed the path from her dream, and tried to find the secret tunnel. Once she made it to a dead end she moved smaller rocks around to activate the secret door. She gasped when it work and the door opened before walking inside.

A mysterious masked man heard the secret cave open and quickly looked to investigate. He ran to find the intruder and found her. Y/n came face to face with the blue dragon.

"It's you." Y/n gasped as the cave door began to close. She slammed her hand against the wall that had fully closed. The blue dragon stared at her curiously, she clearly wasn't apart of this village. He had no idea who she was, but clearly she knew him.

Y/n gave up on the nonmoving door and turned to the stranger. She took in his features. He wore a mask with bells and had a mystery vibe altogether.

"You are the blue dragon?" Y/n asked. He only stared at her, and she didn't get a response. Y/n took that as a yes, her oracle sight wasn't wrong.

"Okay well what's your name?" She asked and he shook his head. Y/n figured that he didn't have one.

"No name? I see then, can I call you Sinha?" She suggested. Sinha gave her a nod and a slight smile, although she couldn't see it under the mask.

Sinha started walking through the tunnel and took y/n with him. As he walked, his bells jungled with his footsteps. He brought her to his home or that's what y/n thought it was. Sinha placed her on the floor and took off his fur head piece. He put it over her as a blanket and y/n took that of his way of telling her to sleep. She didn't even think of Yona in the moment and instead listened to Sinha.

Y/n slowly fell asleep with the blue dragon watching over her.

The morning soon came, Yona was the first one up. She looked over to her sister's bed and began to panic when she was missing.

"Hak! Get up now!" She screamed as she shook him awake.

"Five more minutes princess." Hak groaned

"Hak get up y/n is missing!" Yona jumped on her bodyguard and he fully woke up.

"Wait y/n's gone? We have to find her." Yun said before he stood up. Hak reluctantly got up to console his worried princess. Unbeknownst to everyone else Gija knew where y/n was, she was with the blue dragon.

Y/n woke up in an unfamiliar cave before she remembered the events from last night.

"Sinha?" She said out loud before he seemingly appeared at her side. She jumped back as he gave her a scare. He placed a hand on her shoulder and made a 'be quiet' gesture with his finger. Y/n heard unfamiliar voices outside of the hidden cave.

"They are gone! Find them now, take them out if you must." A gruff voice said. Y/n realized they were talking about Yona.

"Let's go." Sinha whispered before he took off with y/n.

"Wait they are looking for my sister, we have to find them before they do." Y/n said before Sinha stopped.

"Villagers are not to be trusted." He warned.

"I know that so help me find my sister." Y/n said desperately. Sinha let out a sigh before giving into y/n's request.

As Yona and the group walked through the caves, Gija could feel the blue dragon was getting close. He only hoped y/n was with him.

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