Chapter 2

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Princess Yona watched Hak and Soo-won as they practice archery. It had been a few years since she saw her cousin. Yona, Soo-won, and Ban all grew up together in the castle so they all had a history of friendship together. Soo-won showed Yona how to ride his horse as the king watched from above. He was worried. The king knew of Yona's feelings for him but, he had no intention for Yona to marry Soo-won.

Meanwhile Y/n and Ban were sparing in the courtyard. She got Ban's weapon out his hand before pinning him to the ground.

"You've gotten better." Ban had out of breath.

"Thanks" She said with a smirk

"But it won't help you."

"Wha-" Y/n couldn't finish her sentence. Ban flipped y/n over and had her now pinned to the floor.

"Got you." Ban laughed. His face was so close hers.



"Get off of me!" She tried squirming out of his grip.

"I'm sorry princess." Ban said as he scrambled off y/n. She sat on the ground next to him. "Princess I have something to tell you." Ban said.

"Yes what is it?"

"I-" Ban started to say before screaming could be heard. Yona came running into the courtyard with tears in her eyes. Y/n stood up to console her sister.

"Y/N!" Yona yelled.

"Yona what's wrong?" Y/n asked concerned.

"Everything. I need your help." Yona whined.

"Okay okay. Let's go back to your room we can talk there. Come along Ban."

Hak met the three others in Yona's room. Yona was crying to y/n about how her hair was a mess and how she hated her hair. Y/n was over her older sister's crying. She started to tame Yona's hair for her and brushed it for her. Yona had always been a bit dramatic but her sister didn't mind. She still tried to support Yona in anyway she could.

"Also father said I'm not aloud to marry Soo-won. It's not fair I love him and he is of royal blood so I don't see the problem."

"Yona your husband has to be the next king, maybe father doesn't trust Soo-won for him to be the successor."

"I don't care, father is just being a coward. I want to be with the one I truly love."

"I understand but with the royal family under constant danger, he only wants to protect us."

Yona was silent after that. She was clearly upset but her sister did do her best to comfort her. Servants entered the room to tend to Yona for her celebration. They were going to dress her, pin up her hair, and make her love beautiful for tonight. You wished you could do the same and join her, but you couldn't. Ban came over to you.

"Princess it's time for dinner. You will be eating in your room tonight due to the banquet." Ban said sadly. You nodded and turned back to your sister. You finished playing with her face and the two of you looked in the mirror.

"Yona look here you're beautiful. You'll have nothing to worry about tonight okay. Just enjoy yourself, don't worry about Soo-won or father. Okay? Happy Birthday. I'll see you tomorrow." Y/n gave her a quick peck on the forehead before leaving with Ban. They walked together back to Y/n's room.

"What am I going to do with her Ban? I'm the younger sister yet I feeling like the oldest most of the time." Y/n sighed.

"Keep doing what your doing of course." A new voice said. A figure stepped around the corner, it was Soo-won.

"Soo-won, cousin what a lovely surprise." Y/n smiled at him.

"Y/n I haven't seen you at all today. I assume you were training again."

"Yes how did you know?"

"Your dress is covered in dirt at the bottom. It's not a princess-like thing to do you know or at least that's what your father would say."

Ban stood behind princess y/n watching the interaction. Unlike Hak, Ban had no prior relationship with Soo-won. He didn't know what kind of man he was.

"Y/n you aren't coming to Yona's celebration?" Soo-won asked y/n.

"No I can't. As the secondary princess of this kingdom it is my duty to stay safe. I am just much an assassin's target as Yona is."

"Even after all these years nothing has changed. If you'll excuse me I much be going."

"Of course, enjoy your time."

Soo-won nodded before leaving y/n and Ban alone. They continued back to y/n's room.



"I will be guarding you all night. With the increase of people in the castle you much be protected."

"Thank you Ban."

"Anything for you princess. Good night. Shout for me if you need me."

"Good night."

The princess settled in for the night. She ate her dinner before bathing herself then slipping in bed. She was able to sleep well knowing she was safe while she rested.

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