Chapter 15

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Gija could feel the blue dragon, they were walking straight towards him. Y/n and Sinha both sensed the white dragon's presence. Y/n quickened her pace when she felt Gija getting closer. If she found him, she could find her sister.

"Yona?" Y/n whispered yelled into the distance.

"Y/n?" Yona yelled out her sister's name. Y/n heard her sister's voice running towards her.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Yona hugged her younger sister.

"Thank god you're a safe princess."

"Awe Hak you were worried about me." Y/n cooed and he rolled his eyes.

Y/n went up to Yun and Gija to give them hugs, she was so thankful to see them again. Yun filled y/n in on the villager situation. The villagers wanted the knowledge of the blue dragon to die. No outsiders were to leave with the trust that the Sinha existed.

"It's you..." Gija said as he stood face-to face with Sinha.

"Guys this is Sinha, he's the blue dragon." Y/n introduced him to the group. Sinha looked over at the people in front of him until he locked eyes with Yona. His eyes widened before he fell to the floor.

"From this day forward, you shall act as our avatars. We have granted you our power so that you may protect the Crimson Dragon. It is your duty to defend him with your lives." A voice said to Sinha just like it had to Gija when he first met Yona.

Y/n ran to Sinha and kneeled by his side as he gripped his chest in pain.

"Sinha are you okay?" She said.

"I don't know you, I have no reason to trust you." He whispered to himself but he was talking about Yona. He pushed y/n to the side, and pulled out his sword then pointed it at Yona.

"Sinha stop." Y/n said before she pulled her own sword out as a warning. Sinha noticed y/n's sweet nature soon turned hostage towards him. Gija grabbed an angry Hak to hold him back from Sinha.

"Uh maybe we should go, this guy looks kind of crazy. I mean he is wearing a mask after all." Yun commented.

"Sinha was it? My name is Princess Yona. I've come to ask for your help-" Yona said as she took a step forward. Sinha, feeling threatened, swung his sword at her but she didn't flinch. His blade was inches away from her face.

"Why are you here? No one has even come near me until now." He glanced over at y/n who still pointed her sword towards him.

"We are allies. I only wish to speak to you." Yona said with a sweet voice before she continued. "Please I need you to lend me your power. Come on this journey with us."

Sinha's heart began to sway in favor of Yona. He knew it would be best to help her, but he felt threatened once again. She wanted to use his power, that's what he feared.

"No!" He grabbed her collar. "You are my enemy. Anyone who wants my power is one."

"Sinha let her go now!" Y/n yelled at him.

"Let go of her you bastard." Hak yelled. Yun now was helping Gija hold back a raging Hak.

"Y/n stay back." Yona said. Yun waved for y/n to come over to his side, which she did. Sinha held his ground, his mind was processing want to do.

"I don't know you, but why do I feel like I do? Why do I feel this way?" Sinha said as his grip weakened on Yona and he dropped his sword.

"It was never my intention to upset you like this, I came here because my life and my sister's is in danger. I need the power of the four dragons to survive. Will you join us?" Yona said sadly.

"I'm sorry I can't." He whispered.

"Yes you can." Y/n spoke up and everyone looked at her.

"This village treats you as a monster which you aren't. Come with us and live a free life." Y/n said as walked over to him. She held his hand out to him.

"Y/n I'm cursed, I could never use my powers for good. Leave me."

"No I-"

"Y/n, princess we have to go." Hak said once he heard voices getting louder.

"One thing Sinha, you protected my sister. To me that's a kind act most wouldn't do. Thank you." Yona said before taking y/n hand and walking back the way they came. Sinha was taken back by Yona's comment. Y/n gave a quick glance to Sinha before continuing with her sister.

"I'll come." Sinha whispered and everyone stopped. For the first time he actually felt wanted by someone. His childhood had been filled with rejection and loneliness.

"Follow me, I know the way out." He said as he took y/n's wrist and started to pull her towards him.

"Sinha." Y/n sighed.

"Let's go." Hak said before the group followed Sinha.

The group followed the blue dragon through cave after cave until they saw sunlight in the distance. The group finally could breathe in fresh air once again.

"Welcome to the group Sinha." Yona smiled at him.

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