Chapter 11

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The current white dragon was in his private home on the far side of the village. He woke up to the morning's bright sun. The young man always wished to help and protect his 'master' that was to one day appear. He just didn't know when. His name was Gija, born as this generation's white dragon warriors. Little did he know his master was closer then he thought.


Yona, Hak, Yun, and y/n had finished touring the White Dragon's village with the village chief. He explained the history of the village and the White Dragon.

"He has the power of the white dragon in his hand?" Yona asked.

"Yes it's been passed down through generations." The chief said.

Once the White Dragon heard of the outsiders in his village from his advisors he stormed outside. To him the village was to be a secret and he was going to protect it with his power.

"I don't think this is fair." Y/n said sitting on a rock talking to the rest of her group once they finished the tour.. Yona nodded in agreement.

"What do you mean y/n?" Hak asked.

"Well this bloodline has been protected for generation and here I come to use him for my cause." Yona chimed in.

"Yes but on the other hand the dragons are to serve you, The Crimson Dragon. They want to, their blood literally calls out to you. It is their duty after all." Y/n said while Hak and Yona stared at her.

"How did you know that?" Yona said. Y/n put her hand to her head. It was the power's the oracle gave her. She had all seeing knowledge of the dragons including feeling their souls.

"I don't know... I just do."

Yona stood up and touched her younger sister.

"It's okay because you know why? We won't give up. The dragon is coming with us." Yona said proudly. "We've come all this way and we aren't turning back now!"

"Right." Y/n said. Her face dropped when she felt something moving towards her and fast. The powers the oracle gave her were making her sense things she hadn't before.

"Give yourselves up!" The voice of the white dragon growled behind them.

The princesses quickly turned around, Yona's hood came off revealing her crimson hair.

'She has crimson hair.' The white dragon thought as his blood began to flow backwards. His dragon hand began to enlarge.

"From this day forward, you shall act as our avatars. We have granted you our power so that you may protect the Crimson Dragon. It is your duty to defend him with your lives." A voice said to the white dragon but Y/n could hear it too. The white dragon screamed as he was thrown to the floor.

The villagers panicked as the white dragon laid on the floor.

"Is he alright?" Yona said.

His eyes slowly open he stared at Yona.

"Are you the white dragon?"

"I am. The Dragon's blood that flows through my veins called out to you when I first saw you." He said before bowing to Yona. "I've been waiting for you master."

"What?" Yona said as looked around seeing the rest of the villagers bow to her.

"The oracle was right." Y/n whispered to herself but everyone heard it.

The dragon soon stopped bowing and addressed Yona. "Master what is your name?"

"It's Yona."

"Master Yona."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I not your master. You see I'm a fugitive and I need your power to protect my sister and friends. I'm on a journey to reunite the Dragon Warriors. I'm here to ask you for your help. Will you join me?"

"I would be extremely honored."

"This calls for a feast in honor of the Crimson Dragon King's return!" A women shouted. Quickly the villager got up to prepare.


Hak, Yona, Yun, and y/n all sat by a tree to talk.

"How did you know about Yona?" Yun asked y/n.

"Ik-su gave me his power. I knew long before we left that she was the Crimson Dragon.

"So you're an oracle now?"

"Not exactly. I only have knowledge of the Crimson Dragon legend. Nothing more."

"Interesting." Hak commented. "Y/n let's go see if they had useful stuff that we need." He stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Hak where are we going?"

"To the White Dragon's room of course." He dragged y/n behind him.

"Oh jeez." Y/n said.

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