Chapter 3

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"Princess. Princess! Princess wake up!" A voice awoke her from slumber. Ban was violently shaking her to get up.

"Ban? What's going on?"

"No time to explain. Get up get dressed and grab a weapon. They royal family has been betrayed."

Her eye's widened at Ban's quick explanation y/n got up. She threw on some easy to move in clothes and grabbed a sword. Ban grabbed her hand.

"Princess y/n please trust me. I am only loyal to you now and I will get you out of here." He said before ran out of her room.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked.

"To the forest. They will kill you if they find you, they almost got Yona."

There were guards everywhere around the castle. Once Yona escaped the castle they made security stronger. With Ban's knowledge of the castle he was able to slip y/n out without getting any attention drawn to them. Y/n followed Ban into the forest as they ran to find Yona and Hak.

"We're almost there just hang in there y/n." Ban said to her. She was used to endurance training but she was scared. Ban was practically dragging to find her sister.

Finally Ban saw Hak in the thick of the forest and Yona sitting at the base of the tree.

"Yona!" Y/n cried and hugged her sister. Yona hugged back but the life in her eyes were dull. Yona had been traumatized by what she saw back at the castle.

"Yona what happened?"

"He's dead... Father. Soo-won killed him right in front of me." Yona said brokenly. Y/n looked back to Ban and Hak who were discussing what transpired then back to Yona. The king was dead. Soo-won must have killed him for the throne.

Y/n hugged her sister once more. "It will be alright okay. I'm glad you weren't killed. We need each other." Y/n said letting go of her sister. She started to feel dizzy. "Ban?" She called out.

"Yes?" He ran to her side, he held her up.

"I need you." You whispered as her body gave out. Ban caught her in his arms so she wouldn't hit the floor.

"Y/n it's gonna be alright." Ban sat down by the tree with y/n on his lap. She needed a little time to recover from the chaotic events from tonight.

"Well Hak where do we go from here? We can't stay for long or they're bound to find us." Ban said referring to the castle soldiers.

"I know." He said before letting out a deep sigh. "I know of one place where the princesses will be safe. The capital of Fuga. Home of the Wind Clan."

"Alright that's the plan!" Yona said. Snapping out of her feelings. Hak and Ban nodded.

"We'll leave in an hour or when y/n regains her strength. If not I'll carry her."

That was the plan. 


The princesses and their guards travelled through the forest through the night. Ban had carried the exhausted y/n all through the night. She still hadn't woken up yet. Morning soon came before Hak stopped.

"We're here." He said.

They were standing outside of the Wind Clan. Ban notice y/n starting to stir in her sleep before she opened her eyes. Hak and Yona walked forward to the gate to speak to the guards. Ban stayed back with y/n.


"Good Morning princess." He smiled. "Can you stand?" She nodded and he gently set her on her feet.

"Where are we?"

"The Wind Clan. Hak's home village." Ban answered the princess before leading her to Yona and Hak.

"Is my grandpa Mun-deok around?" Hak asked as he walked into the village with the member of the wind clan.

"No he was called to the castle for an emergency meeting. It was weird since you're the current general and he's retired." The member thought.

"Nevermind that. Could I get a room from us and these to ladies were are tired from our trip, they need rest and food."

"Right! At once General Hak." The man said before running off.

A room was quickly prepared for the guest. They ate in a room together while they waited for Hak's grandfather to return.

"The problem is the castle will claim that since Yona and I are missing I must have kidnapped her. My grandfather will return soon and this whole thing will be sorted out." Hak explained. "Yona come with me. I'm not letting you leave my sight. Ban stay here with y/n."

Ban nodded. Once Yona and Hak left he turned to y/n.

"Princess how are you feeling?"

"As well as I can be Ban." His princess said.

"Eat you need your strength." He pushed a bowl of food over to her. She smiled at him and glad took it.

"Thank you Ban, for everything."

"What do you mean?"

"For saving me. You could have left me in that castle. I don't like to think but Soo-won would have had me or Yona as his bride since we were unaware of my father's murder. Lucky for me it's easier for me to hide because the public doesn't know who I am. I always thought it was a curse to be in the shadows forever. Now I see it as a good thing."

Ban took y/n's hand and interlocked their fingers.

"For you y/n, my princess... I will do anything for you."

Hak would not leave Yona's side.

Ban wouldn't leave y/n's side.

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