Chapter 22

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While waiting in the cell Yona spoke to the girls about courage. She did her best to give them hope that they were going to be saved because of the pirates. Yona had a fire in her eyes, she was ready to fight to stay alive. 

Once night fell and the ship was ready to depart filled with the captured women. The pirates were already out to sea ready to fight. Sinha could see the boats start to move and alerted the crew. The women were all blindfolded and tied up in the basement of one of the boats but not for long, y/n had a small knife hidden in her sleeve. She sawed off the rope cuffs quickly before helping Yun and her sister. They all untied the rest of the women before moving on to the next plan. They managed to get the man who was guarding the cellular to come down.

"What's all this noise?" He said climbing down later. That's when Yun shot a dart in his neck. Y/n quickly bound him up and gagged him.

"Is he dead?" One of the girls asked.

"No, but he'll be asleep for a while." Yun said. Yona informed the women on the plan to set the flare off and told them to be safe while they went up. The deck was crawling with Keum-ji's men as they were careful to be hidden.

All of a sudden yelling was heard from the deck and the sound of swords clanging together.

"That's our army." Y/n whispered to the women who nodded in understanding.

"We have to send the signal now!" Yona said and three started to make their way to the deck. There was a man around the corner and y/n easily attacked him. Catching him off guard she tackled him to the ground.

"What the hell-" He yelled before y/n put a hand over his mouth.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll be quiet." Y/n whispered in his ear. "We're clear." She called out to Yona and Yun who were hiding on the stairs. Yun quickly sedated him before they decided what to do next. The three of them knew they had to act quickly, everyone on board was worried about the pirates coming inside the cabin but once they left this room, they'd be targeted.

"I'll go out first." Yun volunteered, he reached into his side and pulled out the small firework.

"Y/n take this, I trust you'll get it lit since I'll be the decoy."

"What about-" Y/n was about to say something when the door opened.

"Hey! You three aren't supposed to be here!" A voice called out to them.

"Scratch the plan. Y/n, Yona go!" Yun yelled before he charged the man at the door. Y/n grabbed her sister's hand as they made their way towards the now clear door.

"No matter what, keep running." Y/n said to Yona as they made it outside, there was complete chaos. Men were yelling, boats were on fire, there was fighting. A few men saw y/n and Yona and ran straight towards them. Y/n knew she wouldn't have enough time to get away but Yona could.

"Yona quick that this and light the firework!" Y/n threw the small firework to Yona before someone tackled her. Yona caught it and ran to the nearest lantern, away from the men running after her. She lit the end of the firework before it shot into the air, catching Sinha's eyes

"It's that one." Sinha said pointing to the ship the firework came from.

Yona was thrown to the ground. A group of men surrounded her before one spoke.

"Damn it, she's with pirates, she snuck along with the other two." Y/n and Yun were brought in the crowd and pushed onto the deck floor.

"Kill them." One yelled.

"Let her go!" Y/n yelled struggling against the men who had swords to their heads. She didn't care if it was her last dying breath; she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"Shut up." A man with a sword yelled before he dragged his sword along her side. Y/n yelled in agony as she felt the shard metal rip into her side. Suddenly a figure came flying down upon the ship. It was Jaeha. He kicked multiple men away from Yona, Yun, and Y/n.

"You three really are something else." He laughed.

"You made it." Yona sighed in relief.

Sinha soon landed on the ship and ran to where y/n was laying on the floor.

"Sinha." Y/n said with a smile, she was trying to ignore the pain in her side

"You're bleeding." He pointed out as he touched the wound on y/n's stomach.

"Really? I didn't notice. WATCH OUT!" She yelled before more mercenaries began to attack the ship they were on. Sinha jumped away to attack them. stop them in their tracks. Yun grabbed y/n and carefully pulled her out of the way of attacks to cover.

"That looks bad, I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help." Yun said examining y/n's wounds.

"Yun stop you did amazing. The plan wouldn't have gone so smooth if it wasn't from you."

The battle seemed to be over with many of Kuen-ji's men were being tied up by the pirates. There was one thing missing, Jaeha came over to Sinha.

"He escaped the ship. Where is he?" He said. Sinha's eyes scanned the waters until he focused on a small row boat.

"There." He showed Jaeha the boat before he sprung into action. Yona ran to the railing of the ship where Keum-ji was.

"Yona?" Y/n called out to her sister who was staring off into the water. Yona didn't respond and only picked up a bow and arrow. Jaeha soared through the air to attack Keum-ji but was struck down by an arrow. Keum-ji thought he had won until he froze. He felt the eyes of rage and bloodlust on him. He looked up and met two fiery eyes. There was Yona standing on the bow of the ship with an arrow pointed right at him. Y/n's breath hitched as her sister let go of the arrow.

Author's note:

I finally updated! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting but I've been so busy with school that I have no time to give my full attention to writing.

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