Chapter 23

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Everything was silent as the world seemed to move in slow motion. Everyone was watching, wondering if the battle was finally over. Victory was confirmed as Yung Keum-ji fell off his tiny boat into the water with an arrow through his chest.

"It's finally over." Jaeha said with a smile on his face. He was still in the water but he was so relieved.

"Yung Keum-ji is dead." Someone announced on one of the other boats. The news was spreading like wildfire. The battle was over, the hero's had won.

"She did it." Hak whispered with relief all in his voice once he heard the cheering. He collapsed on the floor and put his head in his hands.

Y/n was speechless staring at his older sister. The wind was blowing Yona's hair and for a moment y/n to see the red dragon in front of her. The overwhelming power in front of her mixed with her adrenaline running out, her eyelids gently closed. Sinha hopped on the ship the princesses were and frantically searched for y/n.

"I got you." He picked her up bridal style and held her close. She stirred in her sleep before her eyes opened.

"Sinha" Y/n smiled at the blue haired boy in front of her. She placed her hands on his mask and gently lifted it off his face. His lips connected with hers as they embraced together.

"Come let's get you patched up." Sinha told her.

"I'm fine, where'd Yona go?" He pointed over to where she was standing on the ship. She was still looking at where Yung Keum-ji was. His lifeless body had sunk into the ocean. Sinha put y/n down and she quickly walked over to her sister before tackling her in a hug.

"Yona!" She smiled and the sister's squealed to each other before Yona noticed her sister's injuries.

"Y/n! You're bleeding!" Yona screamed in terror.

"I'm not dying, it does hurt terribly. The point is we did it, no you did it!"

"Y/n! That wound needs to be treated right now." Yun yelled at her as Sinha brought him over to the girls. He jumped away to 'rescue' Jaeha out of the water while Yun, Yona, and y/n sat together. It felt like forever since they were able to catch their breath after this mission.

The pirates and the hungry happy bunch officially rescued the captured girls. They arrested the mercenaries and the rest of Keum-ji's crew. They cleared the sea once again of any danger and docked Gi-Gan's ships at port.

"Well men now that it's all over... IT'S TIME FOR A CELEBRATION!" Gi-Gan said as the rest of her crew cheered.


Y/n was enjoying herself at the party when she realized something was missing. Sinha was nowhere to be found. Knowing him, she knew he was hiding somewhere so she went looking for him. The only place she hadn't seen was on Gi-Gan's ship. Inside one of the cabins was Sinha, he was sitting in a chair.

"What's wrong?" She asked him, but he stayed silent. His anxious attitude was apparent to her and she realized what was wrong. He said nothing, only looked to acknowledge her presence.

"Parties not your style?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"There are just so many people and it's loud." Despite him being one of the dragon warriors of legend, he was still as timid as ever.

"Here, drink some." She handed him a bottle. He took it from her hand and smelled the alcohol inside. He gave her a questioning look that she couldn't see due to the mask, but she understood what his silence meant.

"It will loosen you up a bit." He shrugged his shoulders before removing his mask and chugging most of the bottle. Y/n quickly took it out of his hands when she realized he wasn't going to stop.

"Don't drink all of it."

"Why do people drink that? It tastes awful." He said, wiping the liquid from his lips.

"You almost drank my entire bottle." She deadpanned.

"Are you not supposed to?" He asked.

"No." She laughed.

"Hey lovers, what are you two doing in here? The party is outside." Hak yelled, opening the door to the cabin.

"We'll be out in a second, get out!" She yelled at Hak who closed the door quickly. "Are you okay to go outside? You could dance with me." Y/n asked her blue haired lover. He looked at her with a hesitant look but got up anyway.

The music was lively and loud as people danced along with it. Everyone was drunk at this time of night, some couldn't even stand.


The next morning Yona woke up fine as usual while everyone else in the group was hungover. She went around waking up her bodyguard, the other dragons, and her sister who was wrapped in the arms of the blue dragon. Yona smiled at her sister, finally seeing her truly happy. Once everyone begrudgingly got up and got ready for the day.

"What's the plan now?" Yona asked.

"We leave tomorrow. Today we'll gather supplies before leaving." Hak announced to the group

"Okay lightning beast, if you can get the supplies we'll head out." Gija waved him away like a dog and Hak's eye twitched. Y/n decided to stay out of this argument and took Sinha to go into the village to go sightseeing.

"Oh no white snake, if I go shopping you're coming with me." Hak snatched his sleeve and dragged him away. Yun went with them to ensure they got the right stuff they needed for the journey. This left Yona and Jaeha alone.

"I wanted to talk to you." He spoke.


"I've decided to join you on your mission."


"Yes, after all you are the red dragon that I was born to serve and my job here is done. I think going with you will be my next journey in life." Yona didn't say anything but gave him a hug. He hugged back and was excited to see what was to happen next.

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