Chapter 16

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Since Sinha officially joined the crew of misfits there were now six in total.

After leaving the Blue Dragons village, the group traveled for many day without stopping. They soon came upon a port town, a city where goods were shipped in and out. Currently they stood on a cliff that overlooked the town.

"Look, it's the sea." Yona said with excitement before she rested her on her sister's shoulder

"This is Port Awa, an earth clan territory." Hak said. Everyone besides Hak was in awe of the ocean because they had never seen it before.

"It's so pretty." Yona whispered.

"So you've been here before?" Yun asked.

"Yeah my old man took me here a long time ago." Hak explained as he reminisced on his past.

"Gija, can you sense the green dragon?" Yun asked. Gija nodded as looked into the distance before laying on the ground.

"Yes but he's moving so fast I'm getting a headache." He said.

"Me too." Y/n said before sitting down on the ground with Gija and Sinha worriedly ran to her side.

"Well I'll go into town, I know my way around. You four need to rest." Hak said, putting his spear down.

"No fair I want to come too!" Yona yelled and y/n nodded in agreement.

"Not to be rude princesses but you look a little ragged." Hak said, trying to tease the princesses. Yona screams at Hak for his out of line insult while y/n punches him in the shoulder.

"Ouch, listen this village could be dangerous and the two of you stand out. The two of you are obviously tired. I think it's best if you two stay here out of sight, I'll go and get supplies for us." Hak said

"Hey white snake." Hak called out to Gija.

"I am not a snake!" Gija screamed at Hak, who only shrugged.

"Protect Yona while I'm gone. Y/n can take care of herself so watch over her." He said before leaving.

"I will protect her with my life." Gija said.

Meanwhile the Green Dragon was on a pirate ship. He stood on top looking over to where Yona's group was, a cliff far in the distance. He could sense the White and Blue green, he knew something was up. Why else would two Dragon Warriors be traveling together?

"So, the White and Blue Dragon Warriors are here in Awa?" He said before he jumped away.

The group set up camp in Hak's absence. Yun began cooking lunch while Yona and Gija were talking. Y/n felt the Green Dragon move quickly once again and starred in the distance.

'Where is he moving so quickly to?' Y/n thought before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Y/n?" Sinha asked.

"Yes Sinha." Y/n responded but Shinha didn't answer. He only held out his hand for her to take and she did. Yona walked the two of them into the forest.

"Where are they going?" Yona asked out loud.

"Probably just going to talk alone together." Yun answered her.

"hmmmm..." Yona pondered.

Sinha took y/n a distance away from the other before he stopped.

"Sinha why'd you bring me out here?" Y/n asked. He just stayed silent before he turned away. Y/n looked confused before he addressed her again. He held out a small flower to y/n to accept.

Y/n gladly took it from him before smiling at him. Behind Sinha's mask he smiled back at her.

"Are you trying to tell me something with this?" Y/n said boldly as she spun the flower between her fingertips. Y/n wasn't expecting an answer but Sinha took one of her hands in his. He put it to his heart, and y/n could feel his heart beat. She understood the gesture and tried to look at him but his mask still covered his face.

"Sinha, why do you wear that mask?" Y/n questioned and Sinha stopped. Y/n knew that the power of the Blue Dragon was his eyes and she wanted to see them, she needed to see them. Her hand moved on her own and she quickly pulled down his mask.

Y/n only saw a glimpse of his golden orbs before he jerked away from her view.

"No you can't, I don't want to hurt you too." He said quietly as his hands were covering his face.

"I'm sorry." She said when she realized what she had done. She handed him back the mask and he put it on.

"No, it's alright, I couldn't bare to harm you too."

"Wait Sinha I-"

"We have to go back." He said before he walked back towards the camp site. Y/n stood there and cursed herself for letting her curiosity get the best of her.

The rest of the day Sinha didn't speak to anyone, yet the only one who noticed was y/n. Nightfall soon came with Hak's return.

"So what did you get in town?" Yun asked Hak.

"Honestly I got distracted and I didn't get anyone." Hak laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"What?" Yun, Yona, Gija, and y/n all yelled at him. They couldn't believe Hak wasted that time in town and couldn't get anything. Little did everyone know Hak actually met the Green Dragon, Jaeha in the town and they became acquainted. After scolding Hak, the happy hungry bunch ate the dinner the Yun prepared and then they settled in for the night. The two dragons stood at the edge of a cliff staring into the distance. Y/n walked up behind them, she placed a hand on Sinha's shoulder.

"He's out there... on the boat. I know you can feel it too." Y/n said looking at the dragons.

"Yes princess, I think he's avoiding us." Gija said.

"But why?" Sinha whispered before y/n spoke.

"I don't know why but we'll find him... I'm sure of it."

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