Chapter 4

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Hak and Yona went down to the Wind Clan's river only to find the water was dried up. This meant danger he wanted both the princesses in his sight, someone had to get y/n.

"You get me the other two I was with." Hak said turning to one of the wind clan members.

"Yes sir." He said before running off.

"What are we going to do?"

"This is no time to panicking. If we need to we'll buy water from merchants."

Then the Mundeok returned on his horse. He immediately saw Yona and Hak standing there. He jumped off the horse and hugged Yona.

"Princess Yona. I'm gad your safe I knew what the other generals said couldn't be true. Hak would never kill your father and kidnap you."

"Mundeok-" She tried to respond as the old man hugged her tightly.

"Hak. We came as quick as we could is something wrong?" Ban said as he came to Hak.

Mundeok look at Ban and y/n with confusion.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"This is princess y/n. She's Yona's younger sister." Hak said. His grandfather look at y/n with shock.

"The king had another daughter?"

"Yes. After the queen was killed the king feared for her life. He kept her secret from the kingdom, no one knows who she is."

"I see. Come we must fix the river. It's the Fire Clan. They are pressuring me to recognize Soo-won as he successor to the throne."

"Soo-won? He's going to be the next king?" Yona asked. Y/n grabbed her sister's hand in a comforting manner.

"No I won't approve him to be king. That would mean that I agree with the rumors that Hak killed your father. Which we know isn't true. We can handle them, they wouldn't dare do anything worse."

Ban was with the princesses back in the room they were staying in. Y/n sat close to Ban on the ground while Yona fell asleep in her bed.

"This is bad." Y/n said cutting the silence.

"What is?"

"This whole situation. We are directly harming the Wind Clan if we stay. We should leave as soon as possible. Yona's not safe here, I need her to be safe."

"I understand princess. You should rest. I'll have a talk with Hak." Ban laid y/n down on her bed. Ban walked out of the room once she was comfort to go find Hak.

"Y/n." Yona whispers.

"You heard all that didn't you?"

"Of course I did! And you are right. I don't want them to get mixed up in our problems, not again. I agree with what you and Ban were saying." Yona said as she sat up. Y/n got up as well."Let's go find them. We'll tell them we are laving tonight!"

"Hak! Where the hell are you going?" Ban caught up to Hak who was about to walk out of the village.

"I'm leaving for good." Hak said without turning around or stopping.

"You can't!" Ban said as he grabbed Hak's arm making him turn around. "What about Yona?"

"She doesn't know. I'm not sure how to say goodbye to her. Please take care of her for me."


"What did you say?" Hak said angerly.

"I won't do it. She's your princess and she needs your protection not mine! How could you be so selfish to leave her right now. You know how broken the princesses are right now, they don't show it but they are going through a lot. If you leave Yona will be even more even crushed. You are not leaving without us."

Hak was surprised at Ban's outbrust. He knew Ban to be the happy and friendly type, he'd never seen him this angry before. Hak was going to respond until he heard Yona.

"Hak!" Yona ran up to him with her sister close behind. "I decided we're leaving. You have to come with me."

Hak stared at her with shock and Ban smirked.

"I have to go away. I'm not putting Fuga and the Wind Clan in danger." Yona continued.

"You can live here peacefully, the elder knows everything."

"Ban if you're setting out on your own. That's against my wishes as your princess."

"Yona I gave up my status. I am not longer responsible for your safety. If you stay here Soo-won won't bother you."

Y/n and Ban watched from the sidelines as the two continued going back and forward. Hak tried to walk away but Yona stood in his path, blocking him from going anywhere. Hak when on about how Yona can't pay him for his protect.

"How longer do you think this will go on for?" Ban asked quietly.

"I honestly don't know. They are both too stubborn to take no for an answer." Y/n replied.

Hak out of nowhere sat on the floor in frustration. He was mumbling on and on about what to before everyone heard him say, "I'm going to regret this."

"Alright I give up." Hak admitted. "Let get prepared to leave."

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