Chapter 21

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Today's the day. The crew of pirates and the Happy Hungry Bunch were making the final preparations for their plan. The plan was to have Yona, y/n, and Yun disguised as a fair maiden to infiltrate the ship with the women on it. Yun made the firework that would alert the crew which ship held the girls. He was going to hide it in his dress.

"I look ridiculous." Yun said, looking at himself in a mirror. Yona had dressed him up this morning and he was a very convincing woman.

"I don't think so Yun, you make a very beautiful young lady." Y/n said to him. The rest of the crew began to poke fun at Yun before Yona spoke.

"Alright are we ready?" Yona asked out loud.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Yun said.

"Wait." Sinha said

"What is it Sinha?" Y/n turned around to address him.

"Take this as a small reminder that I'll be with you." He said before taking off his small beaded necklace. He put it on y/n before pulling her into a hug.

"Don't worry Sinha, I'll be alright. I promised I'd come back to you and I intend to keep it." She said into his

"Okay love birds let's go. They have to get a move on." Gi-Gang said. The couple instantly moved apart before y/n waved goodbye before joining her sister and Yun. They were walking to the outskirts of Awa to find a small shop where the women were supposedly kidnapped.

"Are you nervous?" Yona asked you out of the blue as they continued to walk to the shop.

"Yes, terrified in fact." Y/n said, playing with her fingers in a nervous manner.

"How are you scared? You are my warrior little sister. I have never seen you scared." Yona yelled at her.

"That's not true. I was scared when Father was killed, when you and Hak fell off the mountain, and when Ban died. I guess I'm good at hiding it." Y/n shrugged before looking ahead at the upcoming building they were told about. Luckily the three ladies were "hired" by the shop's owner. Everyone let out a mental sigh of relief that they made it through. He took them to the back room of the shop and told them to wait there.

Once the door closed to the back room, Yona's legs began to shake slightly.

"Relax, it's okay, there's no need to get worked up just yet." Y/n came over to her and rubbed her shoulders. A creaking sound was soon heard.

"Um guys what was that?" Yun questioned.

Then the floor fell from beneath them and everything went dark.

Back on the ship it was silent. Sinha and Gija were out on the bow watching the sunset.

"I know the two of you are a thing but you have nothing to worry about. She's one of the strongest women I have ever met." Gija said. Sinha looked at him and only nodded in agreement. Sinha was a man of very few words but not for y/n. With her he could say anything and right now he was worried about her well being.

The world was black to Yun and Yona once they regained consciousness. It was clear they were being transported to a ship. A few hours went by of not knowing anything before the blindfolds were ripped off their faces. They took in their surroundings as they saw all the women being held in a cell.

"Get your asses in there now!" A man yelled at them before pushing them inside with the women. Yona pushed herself off the ground and realized y/n wasn't here with her and Yun.

"Hey where's my sister?" Yona yelled at the man standing in the doorway.

"Oh the other one? She didn't pass out from the fall so we had to sedate her to ensure she wouldn't be any trouble." The gruff looking man said before one of his colleagues appeared beside him. He was holding y/n and tossed her on the floor of the cell before closing the door. Yun crawled to her side to examine her condition.

"She's alright. It might take some time for her to wake up though." Yona was now worried. Yun was a pacifist and she didn't know how to fight, that meant y/n was their only protection but clearly was out of commission.

Soon the door opened once again and a tall large man stood in the middle. All the women in the cell shudder, how Yona and Yun knew it was him, Yung Keum-ji. He ignored the women pleading for their lives and walked right up to Yona. He grabbed her hair and held her up to get a closer look at her features.

"So you're the rare red head. My men were right... I will get a hefty sum for you if I don't decide to keep you for myself." He said with a sinister smile. Yun's face went white as he spoke such vial words. "Picking novelty over money is not really my thing but for you I can deal with having a little less gold. " Yun knew he had to do something. Y/n wasn't awake and he promised Hak he'd protect Yona. He stood up.

"Take me instead. I could serve you so much better than her if you gave me the chance." Yun said, spewing out nonsense that he knew he couldn't fulfill. Yung Keum-ji smirked at Yun and walked closer, Yona still in his hands.

"I'd like you to prove that to me beauty, however." He suddenly punched Yun who split up blood and was thrown to the ground. "Do not interrupt me while I'm speaking. All of you are product! You must be quiet and do as I say. Do I make myself clear? Like the red head, all of you ladies need to be submissive like her." He said before looking down to Yun. He froze when locking eyes with her. Her eyes were glaring into his soul as her eyes literally burned red. He gasped and dropped her to the floor before leaving. His men locked the door behind him. The other women became worried and murmured quietly about the situation at hand.

"What the hell kind of man would hurt a delicate flower like me." He laughed and Yona nodded with a smile. Then a groan was heard from y/n, she was waking up.

"Y/n are you okay?" Yona whispered to her sister.

"I feel horrible. Where are we?" She said before looking around and realizing the situation. She let out a frustrated sigh before hugging her sister. Yona caught her up to speed on what just happened.

"Now we wait." Yun said. The plan was going perfectly it was only a matter of time before they would be saved, at least they hoped.

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