Chapter 6

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"Who the hell are you?" Gang Tae-jun spat.

"I am the second princess of the Kouka Kingdom Y/n. Don't you dare lay another hand on my sister!"

"Y/n! I need your help!" Yona shouted. Y/n glared at Gang tae-jun before leaving him to slide down the mountain.

"I'm coming. Don't worry. Where's Hak?" Y/n jumped down a ledge to get to Yona's level.

"Over the cliff I can't hold on forever." Yona said as she struggled to hold on to the injured Hak.

"Ban I need you! Where are you?" Y/n said as she fought off soldier's from the Fire Clan. Ban was preoccupied with more soldiers. He too was injured but wasn't going to let it stop him. His princess was in danger to him even if she could hold her own.

"I'm coming y/n! He said pushing the soldiers away and going to his princess. He made his way to her side of the mountain ledge that she was on. "I got them, you get Yona." His sword clashed with the fire soldier's.

Y/n turn around to help her sister but it was too late. The ground gave out below Yona and Hak, they began to fall down the mountain. Y/n tries to grab her sister but it was no use.

"Yona!" Y/n screamed.

"Y/n!" Yona said back as her and Hak had fallen into the trees below. Y/n was on her knees as tear began to fall from her eye, she lost her sister and father in less than a week. Ban was too busy to comfort her as he was still protecting her. Y/n began to feel hopelessness and she was too tired to fight.

"Ban we should give u-"

"No! I'm still here! I'm still fighting for you. It's not over until then!" He yelled. He fought off the last soldier on the mountain before turning to y/n. He handed her a long piece of rope.

"There are more of them coming and your sister might be alive down there. Climb down this mountain and find them. I'll follow after you and if I don't make it. Don't surrender to them." Ban said quietly. Soldiers began sliding down to Ban and y/n's mountain ledge.

Y/n wasted no time tying the rope around a large rock a scaling down the mountain. She could hear the grunts and hits him the men fighting. A sword fell off of the end of the mountain. It was Ban's sword.

"You are the traitors with General Hak. Give up now and give us the other woman or be killed. We have you surrounded." A man said loudly even y/n could hear. She stopped to hear the interaction.

"I'll rather die. I love her and I'll protect her with my life." Ban said

"So be it." The man said before Ban gave a finally yell as he was taken down. Y/n was struggling to hold on to the rope because she knew what had just transpired. They had just slaughtered Ban. He loved her but now he was dead.

"Now then since that's over pull her up." Y/n heard as someone started pulling the rope back to the top.

Y/n's mind was racing. She thought she was going die. Then she thought of Ban's words to keep fight and if she was going to die, she was gonna die fighting.

She pulled out a dragger from her side and cut the rope sending her falling.

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